kabangalienable nounEnglishpowdered lime; powderThis is made from oyster shells, and is an essential ingredient in one of the most common features of Sursurunga culture, mama (chewing betel nut). Kabang along with the mustard pod or betel pepper (pok) and the betel nut (bu) are chewed together. This produces an extremely red mouth and a narcotic effect, and eventually mouth cancer and a loss of teeth. Kabang is also used of any kind of powder, such as baby powder or baking powder.mamawoso kabang4.3.9.1Customanthro
kabat / káptisyncopated verb1Englishtie; fasten; preventTok Pisinpasim ropThis term includes the action of tying or winding rope around another thing.Tan him erei a tari ái konom án malar singing, iau talar mai má kápte iau sengsegeng. Tan him minái a kabat iau pasi kápte má iau han suri mák nana ami rumán sasam.That work the village elder gave to me, I am working on it and I am not free (from it, have not finished it). This work is tying me (down, preventing me) resulting in I did not go to see Mother up at the clinic.isi; sáitikabat tiklik noi2Surtalar maiEnglishseal by binding; finalize agreement or covenant...má ngorer a oror mai ngisán sang suri kápti kán oror ák muswan. Ái Káláu a longoi ngorer kabin kápte kesá kálámul a pakta sorliwi suri ngo na oror mai ngisán. (Eba 6.13)...and so he promised with his own name to seal his promise (that) it was true. God did like that because there is no person who is big surpassing (more important, powerful than) him so that he could promise with his name.arkabatkamkabat
kabat tiklik no-itransitive serial verbEnglishrestrain; keep or hold backtie together allkabat/kápti
Kabataraialienable nounEnglishcharacter from Sursurunga legendsIn a Sursurunga legend, this person is described as a bad spirit associated with some of the same roles as Satan.SuilikTamagulahitesit4.3.9.1Customanthro
kabálintransitive verbSuragur kalengnai sangEnglishpretendTok Pisinpenim skinThis word is followed by mam/mai (with).Wák erei a lu parai singin tan lite ngo na kila pasi tuang, mái sár ái tuang kápate mánán on. Wák er a tu kabál sár mam tuang.That woman says to others that she will marry my brother, however my brother does not know (anything about) it. That woman is just pretending only with/about my brother.
kabin ngisánalienable noun1Englishname which is taboo to certain of one's relativesThis is not to be used by a person's kukun (opposite sex sibling) or káwán (uncle, nephew, niece).2Englishsurnamengisang24.3.9.1Customanthro
kabinanuintransitive verbSurtorahin namnam til hirá di top páptai be oninEnglishancient; from long agoTorahin ruprup rung inang i malar kándi tu tungai soi be onin i kándi tan rákrák. Ái á kesi roho a kabinanu er di top páptai onin.The old ruprup (greens type), those from down in the village they are continuing to plant it still today in their gardens. It is a (type of) greens from long ago that they still have today.8.4.1Period of timetime
kabulparticleSurkeskam bul; bálbálsaEnglishsorry; longing; expression of nostalgiaThis is a contracted form of keskam_bul (sorry again), and like the full form of keskam (sorry), can be used as an apology, but also in a nostalgic way to think back about something one had or did previously but that is no longer available. It can be used when thinking about someone you are missing because he is no longer with you.Keskam bul á tungu git lu kis ada Kokopo má gitá lu ani tan lain namnam. Tan namnam minai kápate namnamin, kabul á kakaruk git lu ani.Sorry (for us because) previously we were in Kokopo and we ate good food. This food is not tasty, oh for the chicken we ate (in Kokopo).keskam
kadum / kanbáitransitive verb, irregularSurpeplai; tárái nák nápkasEnglishtrim; carveTok PisinsapimThis connotes carving the outside of something, as a log to make a canoe. It also is used of the finer inside carving once the bulk of the wood is removed. This is in contrast to paki (carving the inside out of something). It is also used of the action of cutting out plants or weeds with one's knife and of carving or cutting a stick to make it sharp.Nengen iau lu hanhan uri Tom mák lu kanbái kán takup. Kán tu talar sang mai kadum takup má kápate mák pas iau, pasi ák sodar i iau.Earlier I was going along to Tom (ran into Tom unexpectedly) and he was carving his canoe. He was working with canoe carving and he did not see me, resulting in he was surprised at/by me.Kalilik imudi di talar mai kadum kirau uri kándi soso ami pokon kán misinare. Di tár kirau tangrai kon má ngorer ding kis pala imudi má ding kanbái kandi tan kirau.Those guys back there are working on stick-carving for their planting up in the pastor's place/garden. They digging stick-chopped along the beach and so they went on back there and carved their digging sticks.tokas/toksi
kahalienable noun1Englishstarchy vegetable which grows on a plant above groundbalbal15.2Foodfood2EnglishkidneyThis body part is called kah because it is shaped like the fruit of the kah plant.2.1Bodybody part human
kahitransitive verbSurkipi mai káiEnglishscoop; scrapeThis describes the action of scooping or scraping out the meat of drinking coconut, or of scooping burned rice out of a saucepan with a spoon.Nengen iak tu lu ser táit suri kipi ak támin pol, pasi iang kipi kesi kápán kái má iang kahi ak támin pol mai.Earlier I was searching for something to get my drinking coconut meat, resulting in I got a clam shell and I scooped/scraped my drinking coconut meat with it.kakah1
kahkahkakah21alienable nounEnglishporch; overhang on the side of a buildingTok PisinparadaThis can be on the ground or raised.2intransitive verbEnglishunderneath an overhangThis includes the idea of being underneath the roof of a porch or verandah, or under a tree to shelter from the rain.
kahkahlagitkahkahlangit1intransitive verbEnglishdeepThis can apply to the sea or to heaven, indicating the outer limits, parts where no man has seen, unexplored areas. It can also refer to one's deep thinking, and also to the Scriptures when saying they are very deep or profound.lámán2alienable nounEnglishdepths; far reachestanglon1.7Nature, environmentnature
kahlárkaláralienable nounEnglishcoals; charcoalThis refers to bits of wood that have fallen off a larger piece that still have fire in them, i.e. coals, or where the fire has already died, i.e. charcoal.kuriahkurnah
kahraintransitive verbSurhutEnglisharrive; appearThis seems to be the Bush dialect generic term for `arrive'. For contrast with synonymns see hut.