laes1intransitive verbEnglishhappy; proudTok PisinamamasLaes indicates prolonged happiness as opposed to parmat which refers more to one incident or time of being happy. Some distinguish laes as being happy while parmat refers to happiness that shows, that is expressed in a visual way, thus the overt evidence of being proud. Parmat may be stronger than laes.Mámás is seen as synonymous to laes by many. Gas and gasgas are more the idea of joy, an internal emotion, as is gáu. Both gáu and gasgas can be combined with pokon (place, garden) in an idiomatic way to refer to a person.gas1gasgasgáugáu i kán pokonmámásparmat
laes2intransitive verbSuroboi mermer án mingalEnglishdecorateTok PisinbilasimKalilik dik lu bin pasi má i tan mingal á imi, “Pákánbung án laes má á inái. Gam lu kipi má i kamu mermer má gamák oboi i gam. Ngo gamáte eran, ki giták lu sosih má giták lu mil pala.”The guys are calling out to the dancers up there, "It is now the time for decorating. Get your costumes and put them on to yourselves. When you have prepared/readied, then we will go down and complete/do this dancing."
lagartransitive verb taking onSurkápate tusEnglishmissAlthough this verb can occur alone, it typically occurs as the final member of a serial verb construction where the preceding member denotes what kind of action is involved.Kalilik di mákái kesi man iamuni aun kubau, ki ding kipi kándi katapel má dik panki. Mái sár di no kandi tu panuk ger on a man er. Kándi tu tohoi marán pákán, mái sár ngo kándi tu panuk lagar on má kápte kes a bás tusi.The kids saw a bird up in the tree, so they took their slingshots and slingshotted it. However they all slingshotted inaccurately toward that bird. They kept trying many times, but they kept missing in their slingshotting and not one actually hit it.
lagiralienable nounSurngisán kubauEnglishtree typeThe lagir grows along the jungle beside the beach. Its leaves and its fruit look a bit like mango. This tree grows into a very big tree. The sap of the lagir is just like the sap of the kurap. The lagir is not a hardwood tree and they don’t make buildings with it.1.5Planttree/plant
lagum lagumalienable nounSurngisán sukEnglishvine typeLagum_lagum is a kind of vine whose leaves and stalk are just exactly like suk_án_palngat. Its fruit/seed is also like palngat fruit, and its colour is a nice red. It lives in valleys/waterways. Its blossoms are like bur blossoms. The story from Sursurunga they tell is that the wallaby decorates himself with the blossoms of this vine and dances in front of the children.suk1.5.3Grass, herb, vinevine
lah-itransitive verbSurhol pasi hutngin táitEnglishcompose; author; make up something newThis is the idea of making a new road where no road existed before, or replacing an old road. It is also used of authoring songs and dances, and of creating new combinations of words or meanings.Tan saksak di kis i lalin lahlah erei i Buk án Sak, kápdite pukdai tili kesá saksak sang. Auh, di lahi á tan saksak er.The songs that are under lahlah (heading for locally-authored songs) there in the hymnbook, they did not translate from any song/hymn. No, they composed those songs.kulahilahlahtám lah káhkáhtám lah saksakpoklahi
lahauintransitive verbSureran má aptur pasEnglishmoving one's belongings to another location; moving house permanentlySomeone who is lahau probably has a house of his own, but does move around frequently, every few years at least. This contrasts with kalbán which indicates a person who does not have his own house and sleeps around in other people's houses.Ái nana a eran i kán tan táit mák aptur pas uri kán hutngin rum nabung i rahrah. A lahau pasi tili kán torahin rum suri gima taráp palai kabin ákte lala putun má.Mom got her things ready and left to/for her new house yesterday afternoon. She moved from her old house so we could tear it down because it was very dilapidated.máriantám lahaualahau pasi
lahlahalienable nounEnglishlocally-authored song (generic term)This is in contrast to an introduced song or hymn.lahi; saksak4.9.7.2Christianity4.2.3Musiclotu; song
lainlaen1modifierEnglishgood; niceTok PisingutpelaThis word can be applied to a woman to mean 'beautiful', to a river or fresh water to mean 'tasty, delicious', or to a tree to mean 'straight, good for building'. It may refer to character as well as appearance. Beach dialect and some Bush dialect people use lain as a modifier with another word, like lain_kuluk (very good), lain_tas (nice/calm sea), lain_wák (beautiful/pleasant woman). But some Bush people use lain alone as a verb, as in A_lain_á_táit_min (This thing is good).kuluklain arbinlain bállain marislain sápkin kálámullalain
lain bálidiomSurkápte bál mosEnglishlovingly; generouslygood stomachThis implies doing something out of a good heart and without any particular desire for repayment.Tan kálámul di tari kándi artabar mai lain bál di má kápte te bál mos a kis i kándi liu.The people gave their offering with their good stomachs (lovingly) and there was no anger in their lives.
lain sápkin kálámulidiomSurret mai kálámul kápte a kuluk i kán tatalenEnglishbad persongood evil personThis is an expression one uses in teasing another to indicate he is doing something bad. It may be true or not of the person being talked about or teased.Ngo te kálámul di para tekes er kán tatalen kápte a kuluk, ki da ret mai ngo, “Wa kesi lain sápkin kálámul sang ái koner!”When some people say about someone that his ways are not good, then they tease with him that, "Why that one is a good bad person indeed!" idiom
laklak i bálidiomSurkápate nem suri longra pasi worwor ngo longoi táitEnglishdetermined not to obey or cooperatestrong/hard stomachKálámul ngo kápate lu longra pasi pinpidan, ki gita mák ilmi ngo kápate lu taram i tan him no án lotu. Kálámul er a laklak i bál kabin a lu lala ngákngák.A person who does not heed scripture, then we recognize that he does not cooperate with all the church work. That person's stomach is hard (he is not cooperative) because he greatly rebels.abulbultánlak3.5.3.1Wordinteresting idiom
lal1intransitive verbEnglishbentThe following example illustrates how an intransitive verb such as lal can also be used as a noun by preceding it with a possessive pronoun.Te á is a pakta i boson má te a tu gengen i boson. Is er a tu gengen i boson, a malmu i kán lal. Má koner a pakta i boson, kápte a lu lal.Some knives their thickness is big and some their thickness is just small. That knife whose thickness is just small, its bent-ness (bending it) is easy. And that one whose thickness is big, it does not bend.alali
lal3alienable nounSurkesá matngan isuEnglishfish type; flounder (generic term)The lal is a fish that is flat, and it lives on the sand in sandy areas. Its colour is white and it looks like sand, and it digs-plants itself in the sand so that it won’t be seen. It is good food, however it has many bones.
lalalalahmodifierEnglishvery; intensifier; big; lots ofThis modifier can be combined with many types of words, as in lala_kaungán (big/loud voice), lala_matananu (large number of people), lala_pakta (very big), lala_sodar (greatly surprised), lala_marán (very many).paktatilik
lalainmodifierSurtan a kulukEnglishwonderful; exquisite; better than just goodTan laplap i rumán huhul imuda, wa tan laplap a kuluk no sang. Má tan páplun mul, wa tan lalain sang.The laplaps in the store back there, why (they are) all laplaps that are very good. And their colours also, why (they are) really wonderful/exquisite.alalkolobonmalilissongaplain