-mpronounEnglishsecond person singular possessive (inalienable nouns)kam
ma-Englishlocative marker prefixThis prefix indicates that both direction and place are known. It is often used of things close by, perhaps even within one's sight or well known. It only precedes full forms of direction words.Rang kámpup gim á tan Samaria di lu lotu uri narsán ái Káláu mamuni pungpung muni. (Ioa 4.20)Our ancestors of (us) the Samaritans worship God up there on that mountain up there.iaa-4ala-i1ia-matungmainái8.5Locationlocation
mabualienable nounEnglishturtle type; Leatherback Sea TurtleThe mabu is like the unsis (turtle), but it is much bigger than the unsis. The color of the mabu is black and it does not have a shell like the unsis. They eat every part of the mabu, only some bones they throw away. The mabu comes ashore in black sand areas. And when it comes ashore, then (it is so big that) just one person is not able to overturn the mabu. The eggs of the mabu are bigger than the eggs of the unsis.
mabu lámmabu tingtingunsis5.2Food6.4.5Fishingfood; marine life
mabu lámalienable nounEnglishturtle typeThis refers to a sea turtle that is not particularly good for eating.6.4.5Fishingmarine life
mabu tingtingalienable nounEnglishturtle typeThis refers to a sea turtle with two lines of barbs along its back. It is good for eating.5.2Food6.4.5Fishingfood; marine life
madaralienable nounEnglishwhite skinThis comes from the name Tin_Tara_Madar, a woman in a traditional story. Madar is usually combined with tara (people from) to mean `white people', but can also occur as kakun_madar (white person) and midán_madar (language of white people).
madepdepintransitive verbSura tu leplep; kápte a mon bosonEnglishthinThis implies very thin and easily scraped or broken. It is used of edible things and paper.Tan sepen kubau di kuti ngo uri suh a tu madepdep má kápate mon boson. Ngo da long suh mai, ki na tu pingping kabin a tu leplep.The strips of wood they cut to become the table are just thin and have no thickness. If they make a table with them, then it will just be flexible (not firm) because it is so flat.boson
magasalienable nounSurngisán kubauEnglishtree typeMagas is a tree that grows in old abandoned gardens, and it also grows along the edge of bushy areas beside the beach. This tree is not strong/hard. Its leaves are large and round. It is a bit like its leaves are (sandpaper) rough. Some build houses with it, but the tup (insect type) burrows into it and it rots quickly. They also cut the magas for canoe outriggers.1.5Planttree/plant
mahintransitive verb1Englishcool; cooled downIn addition to the physical cooling of something previously hot, this is appropriate when speaking of cooling down from anger or changing one's mind from what one was planning to do, especially in light of new information.2Englishhealed; dried upamahi
mahalalienable nounSurminsik kálámul a mat alariEnglishpossessions of a person who has died; estateThis includes such items as pigs, clothing, money, shell money, and land. Except for the land, the possessions of the dead person are divided as described under máhlun.
mahlármaláralienable nounSurkesá matngan isuEnglishfish type; trevallyThis is one fish that has two ways of calling it (two pronunciations of its name). From down coast at the top (those originally from the bush/mountains) they call it mahlár, and from the sea (those who have always lived along the coast) they call it malár. This fish looks like a small langlangur. However, mahlár travel in groups. Not one lives or moves by itself. It lives in the sandy areas when it low tides, and when it high tides, then it goes to the shallows because it is afraid the langur will catch it. And it is a good fish for eating.
mai bál temesbál temesidiomSurtari táit ngo taram, mái sár kápate gas i bál suriEnglishunwillingly; out of obligation rather than desirewith the stomach of a foreignerBál_temes refers to someone who is following the law or a directive, not because he himself has decided on it or wants to do it, but only because it is his obligation to do so. This would be appropriate to describe a person who is not giving in his church offering what he thinks he should, what he himself has decided to give, but according to what someone else says.Kabin giur mos ái tuang, má ngorer is a tari singing a tari mai bál temes. Kápate tari mai muswan án bál.Because my brother and I are angry at each other, therefore the knife he gave to me he gave unwillingly. He did not give it with his true stomach (because he wanted to).Koion na artabar mai bál temes kabin lite kálámul a tari duk on. Ái Káláu na laes suri kálámul a artabar mai gasgas. (2Ko 9.7)He should not give/donate with a foreigner's stomach (unwillingly, under compulsion) because another person is forcing him. God will be happy about the person who gives with happiness/joy/cheer.mai lite bálmam/mai3.5.3.1Wordinteresting idiom
mai lite bállite bálidiomSurkápate longoi mai lain bál; kápate lala nem suri longoiEnglishreluctantlywith a different stomachMarán kálámul di lu tari kándi mani uri artabar, kápte di lu tari mai muswan. A ngoro di lu tari mai lite bál di kabin kápate gas i bál di suri tari.Many people who give their money to the offering, they do not give it with truth (do not really want to give it). It is like they give it with their different stomachs (give it reluctantly) because their stomachs are not happy about giving it.mai bál temesmam/mai3.5.3.1Wordinteresting idiom
main-áimahin2particleEnglishhereTok PisinhiaThis may be the combination of ma- (locative prefix) plus inái (now), with the short and more common form being main.Main is always used when there is additional material following which specifies what is being referred to. Either main or mainái can be used when it occurs without specification.Rang buhang er bos tám ruruna til Makedoniá di han ur main Korin ki dik tángni kak sáhár. (2Ko 11.9)My clansmen who are the believers from Macedonia they came to here in Corinth then they helped/provided for my needs.Má namur, ngo ákte artálár i pákánbung, ái Káláu na arahi kán holhol taru má nák pam talum noi bos akaksim uri lalin i Karisito, bos táit tilami naul bát má til main i naul bim mul, má ái na lulngán i tan táit no. (Epe 1.10)And later, when the time has been fulfilled, God will complete his plan and he will then gather together completely the creation to under (the authority of) Christ, things from up in heaven and from here on the earth also, and he (Christ) will be the head of everything.inái1ma-
makTok Pisin1transitive verb taking onEnglishmark or paint the body2alienable nounEnglishmark; birthmarkTok Pisinmak
makmaksinintransitive verbEnglishyellowishThis is used of pale yellow or of something becoming yellow in colour.maksin8.3.3.3Colorcolour
makmakusintransitive verbSurkálik sasamEnglishlousy feeling; feeling sickThis is the feeling a person gets pre-sickness, including weakness.Kálámul ngo a kálik sasam ki di lu parai ngo kálámul erei a makmakus i on.A person who is a little sick they say that that person's body is feeling lousy.2.5.1Sicksickness
malahinintransitive verbSursáhár; lala maris; káp kán te táitEnglishvery poorKoion gama parai singin ái koner ngo na lápka te piran tabal uri artabar. Wa ai na kip kán te pirán tabal til ái á malahin án kálámul er? Kálámul sár ngorer káp kán te táit suri nák him mai suri apáng te pirán tabal.Don't you say to that one that he should throw/give any money toward the offering. Why from where will that very poor person get any money? A person like that has nothing he can work with to produce money.sáhár
Malaialienable nounEnglishmoiety nameThis moiety is called the 'smol pisin' (small clan) because its totem, the tárgau (small eagle), is a smaller bird than the kosor (large eagle) which is the totem of the kongkong moiety.tárgau4.1.9Kinship4.3.9.1Customanthro; kinship
malanbetalienable nounSurtaul másEnglishvery low tideThis marks taul_minas (season of plenty) or taul_mas (season of a full stomach) midyear. This word implies calm seas, still or calm season rather than windy season, so taul_siaroh (season of peace). It refers to the time of very low tide when the reef is so dry that it may stink.A lu hut á malanbet namurwai ngo dikte siri bet. Pákánbung minái a lu lala másreng sang mák lu pánpán i tan hat imuda i loltas. Má lulawar a lu sangin mai más.Very low tide arrives following when they have gathered palolo worms. At this time it is very dry reef and the rocks/coral out in the ocean are visible. And the reef stinks with the dryness.másgusgusguslomlomtun1.7Nature, environmentnature
malaralienable nounEnglishvillage; home areaTok PisinpelesOne's malar is the hamlet or area where one lives. It is used as the generic term for groups of buildings ranging from small hamlets or one-family areas to groups of hamlets which form a villlage area to large cities. This term contrasts with pokon which refers to one's garden where he works and produces his food.bimán rumkuranumermer malarsasam uradi malar8.5Locationlocation