Browse Sursurunga – English



rabut / raptisyncopated verbSurtalka palaiEnglishpull outTok PisinkamautimThis is the action of pulling weeds or other plants out of the ground with one's hand, or of the wind uprooting a tree.Tan wák iau dos i di suri ngo da pepel main i kak malar. Ma iak parai si di ngo tan ur erei a kopkom, da tu talka palai mai lim di má koion da peplai mai is. Da tu rapti sár mai lim di suri koion na sangar i kopkom kaleng.The women I commanded/instructed that they should clean up the grounds here in my area. And I said to them that that grass that is growing, they should pull-remove it with their hands and not clean it out with a knife. They should just pull it out with their hands so it will not quickly grow back.kamut/kamtiramrabuttámrabuttarabut/tarapti6.2.1Growing cropsgarden
radas buratis buphraseSurtari bu si rung erei di is borEnglishgiving betel nutRadas_bu is the custom of acknowledging the provision of a pig at a nginim_pol feast (type of mortuary feast). A branch of betel nut and a shelled drinking coconut is given to people not in the hosting clan who have provided a pig for the feast. Actual monetary payment is made at a later time.nginim pol4.3.9.1Customanthro
rah1alienable nounEnglishdirt; dust1.7Nature, environmentnature
rah2intransitive verbEnglishfinishedTok Pisinpiniswatarahrahirah i mansinrah palarahrah1arahi
rah i mansinidiomSura rah i kán mangehEnglishdeadhis breathing is finishedmatmansingrah22.1Bodybody act
rah palaintransitive serial verbSurkápte na mon te mul; kápte na lu kis mulEnglishfinished and gone; completely finishedfinished intensifierrah2palai
rahrah1alienable nounEnglishafternoonTok Pisinapinunrah2rahrah likrahrahrah8.4.1Period of timetime
rahrah2rarahalienable nounSurngisán kubauEnglishtree typeRahrah is a tree that is very very large, and when it grows and produces blossoms, then the blossoms are red and birds like the lory and lorikeet and unsir (bird type) come to eat the blossoms of the rahrah. This tree is not strong, its breaking is easy (i.e. one can easily break it). And if they take the branches and plant them for fence posts, then that rahrah branch will grow. It doesn’t matter what kind of ground you plant the branch in, it will grow.1.5Planttree/plant
rahrah likalienable nounEnglishearly dusklate afternoonRahrah_lik means it is just beginning to get dark, before ronron (dusk) which precedes actual libung (night).mátál án rahrah liklik2rahrah18.4.1Period of timetime
rahrahrahalienable nounSurpáput má suri na rahrahEnglishalmost afternoonrahrah18.4.1Period of timetime
rakaiintransitive verbEnglishstrongThe more common form of this verb is the reduplicated form rakrakai. Ái Karisito sang a kábutkis máng kipkip i rum ák rakai, má ái a atri iamuni ák aptur ák rum a pilpil ur káián ái Káláu. (Epe 2.21)Christ himself is the foundation and he supports the house it becomes strong, and him he establishes it (standing/going) up it stands it becomes a clean/holy house belonging to God.rakrakaisorakai
rakrakai1intransitive verbEnglishstrong; hard; difficult; firmTok Pisinsitorongatudik2gángángáugáugolgolarakrakairakairakrakai kalarrakrakai sorliurakrakai sorliwitur rakrakaiworwor rakrakaitur rakrakai suri2transitive verb taking onEnglishcourageous; stronglyThis use of rakrakai occurs in serial verb constructions following transitive on verbs such as hol (think) and pámpur (depend on).Mái ruktul er káp ditul te hol rakrakai i kánditul malar er dituláte aptur alari. Má ngo ditula han lala hol on, ngorer na malmu si ditul suri ditula kaleng ur on. Áá, káp ditul te hol rakrakai on ngorer kabin ditul kon suri malar a tuan kuluk alari kánditul torahin malar, wa malar a kis imi bát sang. (Eba 11.15-16)And those three did not think strongly of their place/village they had left away from. And if they would have greatly thought of it, therefore it would have been easy for them to return to it. Yes, they did not think strongly of it like that because they were craving a place/village that was much better than their old villlage, why the village up in heaven.3alienable nounEnglishstrength; power; authorityminginwán rakrakai
rakrakai kalarintransitive serial verbEnglishdifficult; problematicstrong blockingDi han parparai má si di ái rung er ngo da lu han má, mák rakrakai kalar má si di ngo da lu aptur má suri han. A ngoro ák taun kalar má si di, kabin dikte longrai ngo na kápte te káukáu bim suri long pas di tilanang.They kept saying to those ones that they would go now, and it was difficult for them to get up and go. It is like it was problematic for them, because they had heard that there would not be any vehicle to bring them from down coast.taun kalarkalar/kári
rakrakai sorliuintransitive serial verbSurtaba minginEnglishextraordinarily strong; almightystrong surpassingKápte kes a arwat suri na arup mai kálámul erei a tuan rakrakai sang. Tungu di tohoi kán rakrakai má a rakrakai sorliu.No one is able to fight with that man who is very strong indeed. Previously they tested his strength and he was extraordinarily/surpassingly strong.sorliu/sorliwi4.9.7.2Christianitylotu
rakrakai sorliwitransitive serial verbEnglishprevail; overcome; winstrong surpassingPákánbung án taltalka bus, a lu ru á huhu án kálámul. Kesá huhu a lu top tili kesá kuir bus má kes tili kesá kuir. Má pákánbung ngo di talkai, ki di lu tohoi suri huhu dáh na rakrakai sorliwi kes.At the time of pulling vine (the game of tug of war), there are two groups of people. One group grasps from one side of the vine and one from the other side. And when they pull it, then they try for which group will win/prevail over the other.sorliu/sorliwi
rakrakunalienable nounSurngisán kubauEnglishtree typeRakrakun is a tree that looks like the tree they call kuil (ironwood), however rakrakun is not a hardwood like the kuil. The rakrakun grows along the cliff tops and in the jungle too. When the rakrakun dries up, then the women go to get firewood (from it) for cooking and for mumuing.1.5Planttree/plant
raksaintransitive verbSurrapti pokoriEnglishpull out kunaiTok Pisinkamautim kunaiThis implies the entire process of pulling kunai (sword grass) out of the ground and tying it into bundles for carrying.raksai6.5.1.1Househouse
raksa-itransitive verbSurrapti pokoriEnglishpull out kunaiTok Pisinkamautim kunaiNgo kálámul a rabut pokori uri iatih i kán rum, ki di lu parai ngo kálámul erei a raksai pokori uri iatih i kán rum.If a person pulls out kunai grass to roof his house, then they say that that person is pulling out kunai to roof his house.raksa6.5.1.1Househouse
ram1alienable nounSurngisán kubauEnglishtree typeThe ram is a tree that grows in valleys. The leaves of the ram are strong and they get them for wrapping food with them like kaskas (mumued shredded kaukau with shredded coconut) or cassava. And the fruit of the ram is just flat and its skin is very tough like the skin of the talis (nut). And when they want to eat it, then they collect its fruit and later they split it to get the flesh and they cook it for food.pákán ram1.5Planttree/plant
ram2intransitive verbSurkon má lala kákir suriEnglishcrave; covetThis term is a stronger craving or coveting than kon. It is followed by suri (for).Marán te di lu ram suri kipi him kán tátáil pasi dik lu toh noi ngat suri ngo da kipi.Many strongly covet to get the work of a leader resulting in they try everything to get it.kákirkon2
ramitalienable nounSurkesá matngan isuEnglishfish type; surgeonfishThe ramit is like the korong and its colour is yellow and striped horizontally with black and with blue. And its stomach is all light blue, and its fins are yellow. And there is also a barb on its tail like the korong and the mara. It eats moss, but if it high tides then it goes to the reef to eat. This fish is good food.
ramrabutintransitive verbSurtunga talka palai mai limánEnglishpulling out with the handkamkamutrabut/rapti6.2.1Growing cropsgarden
ramramintransitive verbSurwáin sang á bálEnglishstarving; weak from hungerKálámul imuda kápate namnam á nengen i kábungbung pasi ák aririu i mátán mák pur uradi bim. Má tan kálámul dik parai ngo a sami ramram kabin kápate namnam.That man back there did not eat earlier this morning resulting in his eyes are spinning (he's dizzy) and falling down on the ground. And people are saying that he is sick with hunger because he did not eat.matpámmas2.3Sense, perceive2.5.1Sicksensation; sickness
ranalienable nounEnglishmumu pitTok Pisinpeles bilong mumuran beresran kadassár ran5.2.1Food preparationcooking