rururuEnglishtwo's; pairsThis verb can be intransitive on its own or transitive using on as its direct object.Mái Iesu a kilkila pasi kán sángul mai aru á kalik uratung i narsán mák tarwa rururu i di, má a tari nokwan si di suri da long sarai sápkin tanián. (Mar 6.7)And Jesus called to there to him his twelve children/disciples and he sent them out in two's/pairs, and he gave the right to them to scatter/chase out evil spirits.Ái Konom Iesu a ilwa pasi mul i ahit i sángul mai aru i kálámul. Má namur a tarwa di a lu rururu suri da táil on uri tan bimán rum má malar erei ái sang ái Iesu na han ur on be. (Luk 10.1)The Lord Jesus also chose 72 men/people. And then he sent them in two's so they would precede him to those cities and village where Jesus himself would be going.ru8.1.1Numbernumber
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