ur11Englishto; towards; into; on toTok Pisini go longThis typically occurs preceding locative relaters and direction words (short or long forms). Sursurungas prefer to write this combination as a single word. Ur may also be suffixed with -i (relater) preceding a verb or noun. It can even serve as a verb on its own. See the cross references for examples.A kila uranang Huris.He married someone from Huris (literally he married down to Huris).tilkáhái uri armongohkáik uri bálkápate sák uri narsánkipi uri bálmák páptai uri kimna uri balam mána uri balam sárnagogon uri minatnamnamin uri talngánoboi uri minatparai uri mátántaun uri kán holwor ur on7.2Movemotion2EnglishpurposeThis incorporates the English use of 'to' as in 'to accomplish something' or to signal a result.Kauh, iau nem i pokon lamas mudi sál ngo na urmain i malar uri torson rum.Son, I want that coconut trunk there on the road to be moved over here in the village for a house post.3Englishabout; concerningÁi rung di him, kápte da te kis tiklik mam git. Gita aso pala di dák so uradi malar, má giták ngurkai kándi atatir uri kándi him.Those who worked, they should not sit/remain together with us. Let's send them out they will exit out to the village (outside), and we will discuss their reports about their work.suri1hol sáksák ur onhol te táit ur onmun ur onparai ur on
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