wáh1intransitive verbSurgengen kalengEnglishdeflatedThis is used of a flat tyre, losing a lot of weight, and of a person's anger being deflated when another calms him down.Tungu bál ái Kiapbal a sut mai sasam a kis i bál, má onin ákte wáh má bál kápate sut má ngoro tungu.Previously Kiapbal's stomach was fat/big with a sickness in his stomach, but now it has gone down and it is not fat like before.suk wáhtuhi suk wáhwáhwáh2particleEnglishexclamation of disgustThis is an expression or indication of disgust, usually uttered with a pronounced puff of air at the end. This is similar to the sound of something being deflated.wái1
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