tumwa kalengna-itransitive serial verbSurkálámul a long sáksáknai kán nemnem sang kabin kápte a han suri an te namnamEnglishharm onselfsorcerize oneselfThis describes a person who wants to attend a meal, but for some reason does not. Thus, he harms himself by not fulfilling his desire for food because he does not attend the meal.Pákánbung iau bana Pita, ki iak parai singin ngo, "Namnam er gim eran on sur iáu kápate hom, a lala marán sang má tan lalain namnam masik sang. Kápte iáu han suri long namnam minái, a ngoro u tumwa kalengna iáu sang."When I met up with Pita, then I said to him that, "That food we prepared for you was not play (it was not just a little), it was a great deal indeed and only very excellent food. You did not go for this meal (even though you wanted to), it is like you sorcerized yourself (you harmed yourself by not attending the meal)."tumwai4.3.9.1Customanthro

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