ototnaintransitive verbSurbin namurwai mai sápkin worEnglishcurseThis is the practice of, sometimes jokingly and sometimes seriously, calling out a curse on someone heading off to hunt or fish or even go on a trip.Nengen i nas, ái Piri a han suri wonwon. Má ngo tan kálámul di mák palai mai kán wonwon, ki dik bin namurwai ngo na wonoi urtarang. Má pákánbung a wonwon, kápte sang a won te isu, kabin di ototna namurwai mai parai ngo na wonoi urtarang.Earlier at midday, Piri went to fish. And when the men saw him going with his fishing (pole), then they called after him that he would catch an evil spirit. And when he fished, he did not catch any fish, because they cursed after him with saying that he would catch an evil spirit.otototot3.5.1Say4.3.9.1Customanthro; speak

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