polon á holidiomSura lu hol tangrai táit; marán i kán holEnglishwise; knowledgeable; intellectualThis describes a person who is good at distinguishing right from wrong, who has done much thinking and going over things in his mind, who thinks ahead, reviews life. There are many branches to his thinking. He is able to counsel and help with problems and he is wise. It includes the actions and behavior that come out of that wisdom. This term is much stronger than lain_mánán (knowing well, good knowledge).Kálámul ngo a lu hol on suri longoi kesi táit, ki a lu lain hol tangrai be suri ngádáh da longoi ngoi. Má ngo ákte lain hol tangrai má ákte tumran i kán hol, ki erár má ák lu parai suri da longoi ngorer i kán hol má a lu rut kuluk. Kálámul er di lu parai suri ngo a polon á hol.A person who thinks concerning doing a thing, then he carefully considers then/first about how they/people should do it. And when he has considered well and his thinking is settled, then at that time he says about them doing like is in his thinking and it runs/goes well. That person they say about him that he is wise.

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