wakatalEnglishwallaby; Agile Wallaby; Forest WallabyTok PisinsikauThe wak’s color is brown. Its two arms are very small and it does not walk with them. It walks only with its two very long legs and its tail. The big one is equal to one pokon (close to 2 metres) in its height. It eats tree fruits and tree leaves. The wak lives up in the middle of the jungle. People do not often see it there close to the village. When they hunt in the jungle, then they will meet up with it up in the middle of the jungle. They also eat it. In the old stories/myths from Sursurunga, they say about the wak that he is a liar. If a man flirts with women, then they say about him that "He is doing a wallaby in the eyes of women.". In the old Sursurunga stories about the wak, he lies to the children (and tells them) to tie him up with a vine that isn’t strong and they then carry him with an easily breakable branch. And when the children carry him to the village, then he flails around and breaks apart that vine they tied him with and scatters it, then he flees-returns to the jungle. One more story about the wak is that he tricks the dog into eating feces.atallonglong wak1.6Animalanimal
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