máskunverbal nounSurlong namnam uri akiláng i kálámul ngo táitEnglishmake a feast to honour a person or eventThis word operates as a transitive verb which takes on, but it is structured like an inalienable noun. This term refers to resources expended, such as cash or shell money or food from one's garden, in order to put on a feast. The occasion can be such events as the annual thanksgiving offering or the dedication and opening of a new church, but traditionally and still today also refers to the process of giving mortuary feasts in order to inherit or acquire mahal, the possessions of the deceased. To use this term, there must be pig involved.Kalik er a ioh bor i kákán, a ngoro ákte long arwat pasi máskun i kákán, má ngorer a artálár suri na otoi mahal si kákán.That child who mumued pig for his father, it is like he has fulfilled/accomplished honouring/memoralizing his father, and therefore he is able to take possession of his father's estate.

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