aru i holaru i lulidiomSurkápte a tumran i hol; aru i táit a hol on suri longoiEnglishundecided; unsure; doubtfultwo thoughts/mindsNgo kálámul a hol on suri longoi aru i táit, mái sár ngo kápate tumran i kán hol suri kono dáh na long táilnai, ki ngorer ák ru i kán hol suri kono dáh na mulán longoi.If a person thinks about doing two things, but his mind is not settled about which he should do first, then therefore his mind is two (he is undecided) about which he should first do.Ái talatala kápate tumran i kán hol ngo da pasbat sang i rumán lotu inang Pulpulu i kalang Oktoba ngo kápte. A parai singin matananu ngo aru i kán hol suri, kabin matananu kápte be di eran suri pasbat.The superintendent minister his mind was not settled that/whether they should open the church down at Pulpulu in the month of October or not. He said to the people his mind was two (he was doubtful) about it, because the people were not yet preparing for the opening.aru i lulru

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