Search results for "Say"

walwalutalienable nounSurtapiok di argemwai mai suir lamasEnglishcassava cooked in coconut milkThis word refers to tapiok (cassava) wrapped in pákán_hun (banana leaves) or pákán_sisik (sisik leaves) and mumued so that all the coconut milk is absorbed into the tapiok. Also see patalbong.
Tapiok er di lu tahi má, má namur dik ololás ur on má dik duri ki dik iohoi, tapiok erei di utngi ngo walwalut. Má tapiok er di tahi má dik tu duri má kápte di ololás on mai lamas, ái di lu utngi ngo patalbong.That cassava they grate, and then they put coconut milk with it and wrap it then mumu it, that cassava they call walwalut. And/but that cassava they grate and they just wrap it and they do not put coconut milk with it, it they call patalbong.
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walwal2alienable nounEnglishtaboo areaThis refers to an area of the bang (men's house) where women are not allowed. Once food is put in this area, it must be completely eaten and is not allowed to be sent back out and redistributed.
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walwal1alienable nounSurngisán sukEnglishvine type; caneWalwal is a kind of bus (vine) that is strong, however its stalk is not just straight like bus. Walwal stalks are crooked. And its leaves are long. People split walwal for tying or making food tables with it. They also pull it and tie walwal on betel nut trunks around and blocking betel nut groves. When we see that, then it means that that betel nut grove they have tabooed.suk1.5.3Grass, herb, vinevine
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walaualienable nounSurngisán saksakEnglishsong typeThis is sung and danced while coming into the village from the jungle to perform a dance. The dance performed is called mingal.
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wakwakwakintransitive verbEnglishyelling prolongedThis can be the sounds of yelling, crying out, shouting or shrieking over a prolonged period or over and over again.wakwak3.5.1Sayspeak
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wal1awalnumber verbEnglisheightTok Pisineit8.1.1Numbernumber
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wakwakintransitive verbEnglishyell; cry out; shout; shriekTok PisinsingautThis frequently implies sound without saying anything, a shriek of fear or a shout of happiness.wakwakwak3.5.1Sayspeak
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wakangwakamwák2wákáninalienable nounwakamwákánwák git (wák2)Englishmy maternal grandmother; my mother's motherTok Pisinpupu meri bilong miThis reference term traditionally applied only to one's maternal grandmother, but more recently has come to refer to one's paternal grandmother as well.arawákánkámwáklapungwákánwákánkakwowo4.1.9Kinshipkinship
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wak pas-itransitive serial verbSurlong pasi tili polgonEnglishpick up or outopen getNabung a hut til Namatanai, a káng sang á kán rat mai bu má pok. Má a be hut main i malar, ki tan kalilik dik lu long pasi á tan bu má pok erei tili polgon kán rat. Má ái ák tu márásngin pagas sár i di dik wak pasi tan táit erei tili kán rat.Yesterday (when) he arrived from Namatanai, his basket was very full with betel nut and betel pepper. And/but when he had arrived here in the village, the guys took that betel nut and betel pepper from inside his basket. And him he just watched them they were picking out those things from his basket.pasi1; waki
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wak-itransitive verbSurpaki; pasbat i ngudun rat ngo bilumEnglishopen by spreading apartTok PisinopimThis is the action one does to one's rat (basket) to get something from it or show that one has no betel nut.Be, wa dánih gam lu lala paki suri á kán bilum á kálámul erei? Amu te dánih er i polgon bilum er gamá lu lala waki kán natun bilum á kálámul?Hey, why are you all spreading open that man's bilum? What food of yours is there inside the bilum that you are spreading open that man's old bilum?wak pasi
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wai1particleEnglishexclamation of shock3.5.1Sayspeak
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wakatalalienable nounEnglishwallaby; Agile Wallaby; Forest WallabyTok PisinsikauThe wak’s color is brown. Its two arms are very small and it does not walk with them. It walks only with its two very long legs and its tail. The big one is equal to one pokon (close to 2 metres) in its height. It eats tree fruits and tree leaves. The wak lives up in the middle of the jungle. People do not often see it there close to the village. When they hunt in the jungle, then they will meet up with it up in the middle of the jungle. They also eat it. In the old stories/myths from Sursurunga, they say about the wak that he is a liar. If a man flirts with women, then they say about him that "He is doing a wallaby in the eyes of women.". In the old Sursurunga stories about the wak, he lies to the children (and tells them) to tie him up with a vine that isn’t strong and they then carry him with an easily breakable branch. And when the children carry him to the village, then he flails around and breaks apart that vine they tied him with and scatters it, then he flees-returns to the jungle. One more story about the wak is that he tricks the dog into eating feces.atallonglong wak1.6Animalanimal
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wah-itransitive verbEnglishsorcerize; poison supernaturallywah14.3.9.1Customanthro
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wah2alienable vocative nounEnglishsibling of same sexThis short form or nickname for tuang arose in the 1990's. Using it may connote a closer relationship among brothers or sisters than just anyone who is called by the term tuang.
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wah1intransitive verbEnglishsorcery; black magicTok PisinpoisenThis is evil magic, causing harm or death.iniatdahillatlatkomkomlamlamtám wahtumtumwawulwahi4.3.9.1Customanthro
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-wa-i2Englishsuffix indicating transitiveThis is a suffix added to some intransitive verbs to transitivize them. See the cross references for the verbs that make use of this.-na-iargemwai; gángwai; gerwai; iahwai; mikmikwai; murwai; namurwai; tustuswai
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utwa-itransitive verbEnglishdraw water; pour waterTok PisinpulimapimThis action is for the purpose of drinking or cooking. One can also utwai water into a basin for doing laundry.
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wawar1particleEnglishexclamation of surpriseAs an expression of surprise, this word can stand alone or can precede a statement or question which states the opposite of what has just been said, perhaps a truthful statement following one which is untrue, or an alternative to what has been suggested since the suggestion is impossible or ridiculous.Tan tátáil án lotu di parai ngo matananu án wák má matananu án káláu di no da top i te na hat i pákur uri pasbat i rumán sasam. Mái sár ngo matananu di parai uri tan tátáil án lotu ngo, “War di tu ret sang mam git! Ai má gita kip te namnam til ái ur on á ahat i pákur ngorer?”The church leaders said the women people and the men people they all should grasp/provide four food packages for the clinic opening. However people said to the church leaders, that, "Why they are indeed joking with us! From where will we get food for four food packages like that?"2conjunctionEnglishintroducer; in fact; indeedAs an introducer, wa typically precedes information that elaborates, clarifies, or explains what precedes it, frequently introducing appositions.I pákánbung ái Iesu a sol ngoro kabisit ami Ierusalem, matananu di árngai mai worwor ngoromin, "Huihui iá! Huihui iá! Ái Káláu na kuluk mam Koner a hut mai ngisán, wa koner a kabisit káián Israel!"When Jesus entered as a king into Jerusalem, people praised him with talk like this, "Hallelujah! Hallelujah! May God do good to (bless) That One who comes with/in his name, that one who is the king of Israel!"
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ututungalienable nounEnglishpronunciationutung/utngi3.5.1Sayspeak
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utung timan-itransitive serial verbSurlain paraiEnglishsay correctly; pronounce correctly; explainsay correctlyKápte git lain kip timani á táit a parai ái kometi, kabin kápate lain parai. Ngo nák lain utung timani á táit suri nák lain siror má, giták talas kuluk ur on.We did not get correctly (really understand) the thing the headman said, because he did not say it well. If he had well explained the thing so it would be well presented, we would then be nicely clear about it.taswaiutung/utngi3.5.1Sayspeak
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utung tari ngisánphraseEnglishname someonecall give his nametar ngisánpuki3ngisang2utung/utngi4.3.9.1Customanthro
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utung pápta-itransitive serial verbSurwás turánEnglishclaim; namesay fastenThis may be a true claim or a false one.Ái rung di siksikip di tur i nagogon má dik utung páptai ngisán ái Tomurmur ngo di no, mái sár ngo ái Tomurmur kápate han tiklik mam di suri siksikip.Those who stole were standing before the law (in court) and they claimed Tomurmur's name that they all (he was together with them), however Tomurmur did not go together with them to steal.utung/utngi3.5.1Sayspeak
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utung pas-itransitive serial verbSurparai ngo ái mul; ilwa pasiEnglishappoint; select; choosesay getThis connotes selecting people by calling their names.Wák erei a mur i git kápte di parai singin ngo ái mul na han tiklik mam git. Ngorer má ák lala nagogon i git ngo gita tu mur i kán holhol. A longoi ngorer má kápte ngo di utung pasi suri ngo na táilna git.That woman who followed us they did not say to her that she also would go together with us. Therefore she greatly commanded us that we should just follow her thinking. She did like that and/but (even though) they did not select her to lead us.tus pasipasi1; utung/utngi3.5.1Sayspeak
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