
The Swo people group of Cameroon, also called Fo, Shwo, Sso, and Sô, number about 9,000. They live in the Centre region: Nyong-and-Mfoumou division, Akonolinga subdivision, Emvane and Melan cantons; East region: Upper Nyong division.

The classification of Swo is Niger-Congo, Atlantic-Congo, Benue-Congo, Bantoid, Southern, Narrow Bantu, Northwest, A, Makaa-Njem (A.82).

The dialects of Swo, Melan Swo and Emvane Swo, have vocabulary and pronunciation differences, but no reported mutual intelligibility problems. The Melan Swo dialect has been influenced by Ewondo and Bulu.

The Swo highly value their language. Adults and some young people use it regularly. Bible portions were completed in 2010.