Browse Tampulma – English
Tampulma - English
saVerbto buildKala ha was a o dɛɛ ti peti.Kala hasn’t yet finished building his room.
sa damsaVerbto build housesTɔha ti timsa sa damsa kinkannɛ bun nɔ.The village people have built many houses this year.
saafi-saNounlock (for a door)Bahɛ yau saafi falirɛ.Bahe has bought a new lock.
saafibesaafibisaNounkey (to fit a lock)Mu zi kpa Koosa koor ti saafibisa a nyɛ mau.I will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven.
saafibe wara tumadj.abnormalBaal ti nyuha saafibe wara tum.The key to the man’s head is not working.
saajin-saNounsergeantPrinsi saajin ha wa wa barnɔ.The police sergeant has not come yet.
saalaNouncharcoalAntii laa yogli saala ali ma dama ti ni?Who sells charcoal at your house?
saamuinterr.when?Saamu ya Taari yawa?When is Taari’s market?
saan wewisaNouncarving toolSisi mu saan we nɔ a nyɛ min.Sharpen this carving tool for me.
saan zen-eNoun(big) hoeMuu daŋni saan zene.I want some big hoes.
saanchi-eNounhoe handleSaanchi nisaali kanɛ dooni.The one who make hoe handles is sitting there.
saanpar-aNoun(small) hoeNyɛ min saanpar mu par mu zaamun nɔ.Give me a hoe to weed round my house.
saariVerbto slip, to be slipperyDooni saariu.That place is slippery.
saari a chelVerbto slip and fallBaal ti saarɛu a chel.The man slipped and fell.
saawara tiinatimaNounadviserAntii ya i saawara tiina?Who is your adviser?
sahaNountimeNibiksi tii wa kpak saha.The teacher does not have time.
saha chɛrigiNounclimate changeLalaknɔ saha ti chɛrigi.Now the climate is changing.
saha digi wiwɛNouncustom, traditionBɔnɛ tiŋ saha digi wɛɛwa.Some people follow traditions.
saha leema?interr.when?Saha leema ya lagmi ti?When is our meeting?
sakaal-saNounprostituteI haan zi wa burigi sakaalu ali tɔha ni.Your wife will become a prostitute in the town.
saksi2Verbto prepare, to planHar kaa ki saksi malɛ diili.Try to plan how to spend your money.
saksi1Verbto be on topTɔn karimi tii sak kor ti ni.The reading book is on top of the chair.
saksi haan vɛɛliVerbto plan to divorce a wifeBaal ti saksi haan vɛɛlirɛ.The man is planning to divorce his wife.
salalagbor-saNoun(type of) lizardSalalagbor zen kaali jeta maga.The ‘salalagbor’ is the biggest of all the lizards.
salbaan-aNouncourtyardDama ti salbaan weru.That house has a nice courtyard.