Browse Tauade - English
alopo lid alop mita to take the lid off alop pa to put the lid on alop u to cover
alota v-1 bury kio alota to bury a corpse ketitaut alota to kneel down (to bury the knee cap)
alou carry astride alou a carry astride
alov n-Long mumu hole; grave alove mita to dig a hole alove alota to burry in the grave
alu n-Masc younger brother; junior
alua v-1 put on a necklace lula aluvaiete dog's teeth necklace
alualuv n-Long sore alualuv ai ole sore spot alualuv a be sore mi alualuv ena make sore alualuv nili to suffer
aluena v-2 put a necklace on another person, as a collar
alupa 1 v-1 call (nodding with the hand)
alupa 2 n-Fem younger sister
alupi tiny epi alupipe tiny little girl
aluta v-1 carry on one's shoulders; embrace ome alouta he carried on his shoulders
amala small adze (used to make designs on pandanus fruits)
amane dear; taboo neve lu amane my dear son
amat n-Round soil; ground; earth ama katoto good soil ama koliti bad soil amata eviti stony ground kupe amatua une muddy potatoes amatua on the ground ama-vole neighbor-hood
ameav chant (for pig killing); scream ameava ta scream
ami n-Masc chief; big vale ami chief ulo ket ami ta He says his own glory; he is praising himself. amipite biggish; pretty tall amia in one's old age; oldness amiate sovereignty amioke old man