Browse Tauade - English
lalu n-Masc flea lalute na kut a flea is biting me lalut talelema na lai many fleas are coming to me
lalulup colic lalulup ta to have the colic
lamanat n-Round kind of oak very big and hard timber
lamap n-Fem scale kapila ome lamapa the scale of the fish
lami 1 pull, stretch, lengthen 2 take off kotepe lami to draw the bow lami keluna to pull strongly ta lami to elongate the stories lami tale ena to slacken, to relax, to loosen lami mita to take off by pulling
lamuitok n-TempFull small string bag (carried on one shoulder)
lamut n-Round dung (of bird) lamut a to dung
lani 1 wish, want 2 love na ulo ne enaal aili I love you
laniolo n-Masc kind of flying insect that makes noise in the late afternoon
lanip 1 sterile, barren, fruitless 2 male pandanus tree (fruitless) kulu lanipe fruitless pandanus tree
laniv n-Long odoriferous, smell laniv ni to scent, to smell na ulo laniv nita I smelt laniva lai the scent pursue
lanot n-Round kind of timber (very hard, good for post)
lanov n-Long kind of timber, standing tree
lapit n-Round piece, a bit of food, sprig, twig
lapolat n-Round froth (in a torrent), foam lapolat a to froth, to foam
lapoluv n-Long wall, partition
lapot n-Round dry grasses or leaves hanging at the door to close the house