Browse Tauade - English
lolut n-Round shoot, bud ea lolutu offshoot lolut mata to bud, to shoot
lomal near lomal ka search closely into, stare at team nu lomale kilai? Who is standing near you? a lomale near
lomatai v-1 pass through the middle
lomev n-Long fence lomeve oti tie the fence nanei lomeve otiopula We are tying the fence
lona v-2 leave, let go, release, give up akove lona na ut vova stop talking, that I may sleep lona la abandoned, deserted
lonat n-Round moss (of the tree)
lonep n-Fem betel leaves lone tautu betel fruit lone eava betel bark lone valupu betel leaf (used for chewing areca nut)
loniv hoarse loniv ena become hoarse
lopiena v-2 put out lopi ta be extinguished, die out enam ulo lopi ta the fire die out lopitaie the one who dies out ena lopitaiete the fire wood which is dieing out, which is not burning well lopi ta to extinguish, to quench pa lopi ana to extinguish piloute lopi ana to extinguish the flame
lopivaia limp, walk lame, tip-toe lopivaia kila walk lamely
lopo n-Masc yam house, vegetable house
loponat n-Round flower loponat itou flower pot loponat mina to blossom
loput n-Round village yard polu ulo loputua kelu the pig died in the yard loput enale glade, clearing in the trees
lotapu good, perfect, accomplished lotapu la to finish, to achieve
lotupit n-Round sole of the foot (dual: lomotapai)
lotut n-Round food cooked in ashes
lou 1 rest lou la to rest, to take rest nane kotipi lou lae we'll take a rest
lou 2 n-Masc frog lou mututok frog's eggs lou ome mutulute frog's eggs