Browse Tauade - English
lumeav n-Sharp 1 ligature linking a heavy sharp end to the reed arrow 2 string on a bow
lumei n-Masc spirit, soul, ghost in the bush lume kaliali wild spirit lume melome pure spirit cf uvari
lumii v-1 crossing (of a river)
lumu 1 knot, tie with a knot mi lume ta to knot
lumu 2 n-Masc deaf mi lumu ena to call somebody a fool lumu pa to play the fool lumu a to play the deaf kepa lumu deaf (silly ear) na lumu lata What a fool I was! lumu la forget
luna v-2 burning the pig's hair, singe ema luna the beast's grease
lunet n-Round sheaf, bunch lunet a to bind sheaves mi lunet ta to tie
lunit cf tiniti n-Round grass
lupelupev shiver lupelupev mi be shivering lupelupev ni be shivering
luta v-1 open, undo, untie liove luta to open the door pute mi luta na ini untie the bag and give it to me
luvap n-Fem plate, dish na nie valiave luvapu kaika kinata I put your food on the plate luvapua u It's on the table luva katope nice plate
luvav n-Sharp trough, wooden dish
luvit n-Round spittle luvit ta spit iliv luvit ta to spit the quid juice