kav-1see, lookna ma kaeDo not look at mena kae, na te?Look at me, who am I?ka veni enato discover, to find outka mito take away, to removeka uto look carefully, to stand stillka kieladespise, refuseka vali enaknow, have a notice of
kai1v-1scold, reprimandna valema kaitalaI scolded the people
kai2v-1go down, come downna ulo kailaI came downna ketu kaivathat I go down myselftapua kaito dress oneself (to go oneself down the dress)kai lago, start
kaikaon, upon, helpnu valive luvapu kaikaYour food is on the tablekaika inito pay, to buykaika itato wedge on, to fix properlykaika kinato put onkaika kolato conceal, to keep secretkaika lalitato help workingkaika mito helpkaika toto repeatulo lali kaika laliaIt will do nothing but burninguini ulo kaika uinicannot help rememberingnan kaika; nan keito seek afterkaika misupport, weight uponcfvisi kana pa
kailenew, fresh, young, green, unripe, awake, healthyna ovate mie, voe oilovo kaile lailiI was sick, today I'm well.o kailialanew thingkail uto be healthy, alivenanoi kai ui awhen we are alivekailiauemathe livingvoe kaile lato resuscitate from the dead or from the sickness)kaili uto stay wide awakekaileyoung one (of animal); pup, kitten, calf, lamb, etc.
kainav-2unhook, take down, pull, pick; bark a tree, strip, peel, disjoin, divorcevalema ulo oilovo ulo inav kainaeaToday, the men will look for bush-string (pull them down from the tree)neve mu ulo na kainaiMy husband sent me away.
kaipav-1fall, fall downamatua kaipato fall on the groundleat amatua kaipaThe tree fell on the ground.
kait1n-Roundforked branch, the distance between the fingers, passage, gaplomeve kaiti enato pass through the fencemi kaiti enato reconduct, to lead back, to divorcekaituaon the fork (of a tree)
kaitenan-Longword; voice; languageakov ma nito disobeyakov ma tato be silentakov mi latu enato disobeyakov ae alalevenoisy talkako kolivebad wordako namuvugood, true wordakov ienato be silentakov leuto disobeyakov tato talkakov vativihard, strong wordakov vau koneonly one wordakov votitustrong, strick word