Tauade - English
kota v-1 come out, go out, take out it ulo kota the rain came valema ulo kota the men came
kotai n-Masc kind of ant katiote na mie lali An ant bit me, it smart.
kotat n-Round skull cf kotapa
kotep n-Fem kind of palm tree (hard black wood), bow kotepo lami to bend a bow kotepo ome liave the string of the bow kotepo mi ana to stretch the bow kotepo pali ena to unbend the bow kotepo lumeava the string of the bow
kotia v-1 bark a tree, peel with finger nail ea kotia to bark the tree kopi kotia to decorticate the coffee
kotip 1 n-Fem bark, skin, outside of the body kupa kotipi the peel of the potato ea kotsipi the bark of the tree kotipi alualuv a to be tired
kotiti n-Fem change the skin, moulting
kotiv n-Long kind of cedar tree
kotomu n-Masc insect (fond of yams)
kotov n-Long kind of rattan, bush string cf livi
kouata n-Masc things to do with sorcery
kouava v-1 hinge, small pieces of tin
koula together vau nanoun konemai together
koulo rotten, pitchy, wet, damp koulu la to get rotten
kov n-Long cries, wails koov tai cry, scream, roar