motupn-Fembanana-leaf stalk (used as as wrapper, or as dish, through)
mun-Mascmale, husbandpolu muboarea mutemale treeiva ulo mu miepeShe is a married woman.neve mumy husbandmu ua husbandiva muea married womanmu mito take a husbandiva muawife and husband
muinot, nothing, nobody, nilmuin uma kaif he is not theremui lato become nothing, to be finishedmui enato destroymi mui enato annihilate, to destroy utterlymui kanot to see, otherwise, or elsemuiumaenemy
muti2v-1burn, light, cook, boilenam muti lalielight the fire so that it burnsenate mi kona muti vovaBring the fire wood, so that we may burn it and sleep.