vilitatacfviliaveClass TAT nounlower part, under side, in the lower part, underneathea viliaveunder the treevilia uavastay underneath
viliviClass V nounlower part, under side (of somethilg)one vilivain the lower part, underneathviliavaethe one who is underneath (Expression used for young animalstipi vilivalamb
viloipiClass P nounnail (of fingers)vilei tato tear
viloli tato slipnanei laia viloli talafollowing the road, we slipped
voClass 1 verblie down, he on the spot, rest, sleepnanei tumutua voilaWe are sleeping at the mareananei itane kalitua ut volaYesterday, we slept in the bushnanei ulo voeWe shall sleepakove lonae na vovaStop talking, that I may sleepvoenato put to bednie lu vo ena ut volaPut your son to bed, that he may sleep.pupunaete voiavato have a light sleep, a napelamet voealasound sleep