Browse Tausug - English



i-var. ofhi-verbal prefixpfxIndicates that something (semantically a patient) that is being conveyed or conceived as being conveyed is in grammatical focus.
-i-infixifxSpelled -iy-. Infixed immediately after the initial consonant of the stem except when the stem begins with a vowel in which case it appears to be a prefix. Compare asawa with iyasawa. In reality the -i- is still an infix since there is a glottal stop preceding the vowel but it is unwritten. That the glottal stop is real may be seen from the forms magꞌasawa and nagꞌasawa where it occurs within the word.Indicates begun aspect of agentive verbs in other than agent/actor focus.
-isuffixsfxWith stems ending in a vowel, -hi.Imperative marker for verbs whose non-imperative focus affix is -an.Hukuti siya!Tie him up!hi sila pagkaun!Take them some food!
iꞌtidalnOne of the thirteen main essentials for the performance of Muslim prayer. The position of prayer wherein the one praying stands erect with both arms hanging freely by his sides after he has made the first bow from the waist.
-iasuffixsfxImperative marker for verbs that focus the pat with -un.Sumbayꞌa kunuꞌ in manuk ini kākuꞌ.Please slaughter this chicken for me!
ibaꞌnKamias (a fruit of the makopa family).Mataud ibaꞌ nagtutubuꞌ ha halaman nila.There are many kamias trees in their garden.Maaslum in bungang-kahuy ibaꞌ.The kamias fruit is sour.Averrhoea bilimbi
ibādat1nThe dutiful worship of Allah and adherence to religious laws.adjbalꞌibādatReligious, devout.In tau balꞌibādat malasa ha pagkahi niya.A religious person loves his neighbors.
iban1relAnd, with.Nagkanam iban nagꞌastul in bataꞌ yaun.That child threw a fit and was angry.Ikaw iban hi Sulma in maglanuꞌ sin bāy adlaw ini.You and Sulma will clean the house today.Cf.ampa2nA companion, associate.Ayaw kaw magpanaw dūm bang way iban mu.Don’t go out at night if you don’t have any companion.vAR ag mag-, -um-, mang-; ran -an.To accompany or conduct (something to a place), extend manual help (to someone), be (someone’s) companion.Ibanan ta kaw magbuhat sin lamisahan.I’ll help you lift the table.Ibani aku matūg ha bilik ku dūm ini.Be my companion sleeping in my room tonight.vpat -un.To take (someone) along (to a place).Hisiyu in ibanun mu pa Luuk, Amaꞌ?Whom will you take along with you to Luuk, Father?nkaibananOthers, the rest (see main entry).ntāibanA partner, spouse, companion, mate, member of a pair.Diꞌ masulug in kapatus yan sabab way tāiban niya.We can’t wear that shoe because there is no mate.Cf.limbang
ibāratvar.ibādat2relLike, comparable to (used to compare nouns, phrases, etc.); as if.In altaꞌ ibārat dagat ubus tumaub humunas.Wealth is like the ocean, it ebbs and flows.In tau ha Sambuwangan ibārat ha lawm kasusahan hadja.It’s as if the people of Zamboanga are always in trouble.Cf.upamakunsawpamasapantun
Ibilisvar.IblisnIn the Holy Koran one of the spirits who in the company of angels refused to obey God’s command to bow down to Adam.His name denotes the power of evil with the root idea of desperateness or rebellion.Walaꞌ simujud in Ibilis kan Apuꞌ Adam.Ibilis didn’t bow down to Grandfather Adam.Note: The theory of fallen angels is usu. not accepted in Muslim theology. Thus, unlike in Christian theology, Ibilis or Satan was not an angel (malāikat).Cf.saytan 1
ibunA thousand.Pila ngaibu in ungsud?How many thousands was the dowry payment?nhangibuOne thousand.Hangibu sundalu in piyarā pa Lupaꞌ Sūg.There were a thousand soldiers sent to Jolo.adjibuhanAmounting to thousands.Ibuhan in utang niya.His debt is amounting to thousands.Cf.laksaꞌ 1umbul
ibudgimb. equiv. ofigudvTo waddle, shake the hips, wobble.
ibugnEnvy (incited by attractiveness); desirability (as of possessions, high rank, or beauty).In ibug niya sin badjuꞌ ku diꞌ hikasipat.Nothing can equal her envy for my dress.vag mag-, -um-; ran ka-…-an.To envy (something), desire (something).Kaibugan sin tau katān in ingat-kapandayan mu yan.That talent of yours will be envied by everybody.Nagpaibug sadja siya kākuꞌ.He is only trying to get me to envy him.adjmaibugIn a state of envy (over something).Maibug aku sin pamulawan mu!I really envy your jewelry!Cf.inda
ibut-ibutadvWithout fail, by all means.Ibut-ibut tuud patalusan in hinang niya.Let him finish his work without fail.Cf.amay-amayhubaya-hubayavag mag-; goal -an.To tell (someone) urgently (to do or not do something), caution about certain acts, admonish, warn (someone).Ībut-ibut kaymu, ayaw kaw magkarupangan biyaꞌ ha yan.I admonish you not to do such foolishness.Nagꞌibut-ibut siya diꞌ kamu pabalikun mari.He cautioned you not to come back.Subay sila ibut-ibutan pakariun kunsūm.They must be urgently told to come here tomorrow.Ībut-ibutan niya aku diꞌ paagarun ha parhimpunan niyu.He warned me against joining your organization.
idda1nA deadline for (something) to be done or fulfilled.Subay butangan idda in paljanjian.There should be a deadline for the fulfillment of the agreement.vag mag-, mang-; ran -an.To set a deadline (for something).Iddahan ta siya sin pagbayad niya utang.Let’s set a deadline for the payment of his debt.2nThe period during which a woman may not marry after dissolution of a previous marriage.Lima tahun in idda niya ampa siya makabana magbalik.The period she has to wait is five years before she can remarry.
idil adhaAr.nThe sacrificial feast of the pilgrimage, the day on which the pilgrims to Mecca sacrifice in the Valley of Mina.SYN.Haylaya Hadjiꞌcomp.haylayaCf.idil pitri
idil pitriAr.nThe feast day at the breaking of the fast of Ramadan.SYN.Haylaya Puasacomp.haylayaCf.idil adha
idlapnShininess, glossiness, silkiness (as of fabric).adjmaidlapShiny, silky.Mamī aku kakanaꞌ maidlap.I’ll buy silky material.Cf.*inggatsinglab
*idlapvag mag-, -um-; ran -an.To glance at or glimpse (something).Kiyaidlapan ku siya simūd pa bilik.I glanced at him as he entered the room.SYN.ilag1Cf.atud
īgvCH 1 ag mag-, -um-; pat -un.To remove (something).Īgun ku in manga lāy ha lamisahan.I will remove (all) the dishes from the table.vAR ran -an.To remove or extract a part (of something).Īgan ku in kahuy.I’ll extract some of the wood.vCH 1 pat hi-.To take or move (something) away.Īgan na dayn dī!Take it away from here!vag -um-.To leave, go away.Diꞌ siya mabayaꞌ mīg.He doesn’t want to leave.Paīga sila dayn ha bāy ini.Ask them to leave this house.vag mag-…-an.To leave (for no apparent reason).Maytaꞌ magꞌīgan in manga tau yan? Walaꞌ natuꞌ kiyālu.Why are those people leaving? We didn’t quarrel with them.
*iggilnpagꞌiggilIll will, envy, grudge.Way panghāti ku sin pagꞌiggil nila.I had no knowledge of their ill will.adjmaiggilIll-willed, envious.Ayaw kaw maiggil sin altaꞌ sin kaibanan.Don’t be envious of the wealth of others.vag mag-, -um-, mang-.To be spitefully envious (of someone).Bukun marayaw in magꞌiggil.It’s not good to be spitefully envious (of anybody).vpat -un.To spitefully provoke (someone to bad actions or speech so that they will be punished).Iggilun ta na hi Abdul supaya siya makaīg.Let’s provoke Abdul so he’ll have to leave.
*iggualvag mag-, -um-.To twist and turn, squirm, wriggle, writhe.Nagꞌiggual siya biyaꞌ hās.He squirmed like a snake.Nagꞌiggual siya sin sakit.She is writhing in pain.OV SYN.kinug-kinug
ighamnThe sound of clearing one’s throat.vag -um-, mag-; ran -an.To clear one’s throat (so as to attract someone’s attention).Umigham aku bat niya kaingatan yari aku.I’ll clear my throat so that she’ll know I’m here.Cf.daghum
iginnPermission (from one’s husband).In babai wajib diꞌ mamanawan bang way igin dayn ha bana niya.A woman should not stroll around if she doesn’t have permission from her husband.
igmaꞌnA common or accepted belief, opinion held by all or most, general agreement (esp. in opinion).Awn igmaꞌ sin tau Sūg ha pasalan sin pagtiyaun.The people of Jolo have a common belief with regard to a wedding ceremony.vran ka-…-an.To have a general agreement in opinion, come to a consensus (about something).Unu in kiyapagꞌigmaan sin kamayulan?What consensus did the mayors come to?Cf.isunmawpakkat