ilawnLight.Masawa tuud in ilaw.The light is too bright.vAR ag mag-; ran -an.To furnish light, illuminate, shine a light (on something).Ilawan ta in sīn. Nahulug pa dagat.We’ll shine a light on the money. It fell into the sea.Cf.sawasūꞌpalitaan
illiꞌnThe beginning of an indigenous melody.vrdp. ag mag-.To sing such a melody.Dumungug kita kanila magꞌilliꞌ-illiꞌ.We’ll listen to them sing an indigenous melody.Cf.taddaꞌtāꞌtāꞌ
ilmuꞌnEsoteric, magical, or supernatural knowledge.Diꞌ siya pagꞌūkun sin pungluꞌ sabab sin ilmuꞌ niya.His supernatural knowledge makes him invulnerable to bullets.adjilmuanEquipped with such knowledge.In tau ilmuan malawm in ingat niya ha pasal sarsila sin kabuhiꞌ sin manusiyaꞌ.A person with esoteric knowledge has great knowledge of the stories of mankind’s origin.Cf.ingat
ilunAn orphan.Ilu na siya ha inaꞌ.She is an orphan whose mother has died (i.e., motherless).Ilu sila ha amaꞌ.They are fatherless.OV SYN.yatimilu balucomp.nBereaved of both one’s parent and one’s spouse.anduꞌ kailu!comp.nWhat a pity!
iludvTV ag mag-, -um-; goal -un.To move on the buttocks.Ilud kaw bang kaw diꞌ kayahun manaw.Just move on your buttocks if you can’t manage to walk yet.Makailud na in bataꞌ-bataꞌ.The baby can already move on his buttocks.
ilungnNose.Mapansung in ilung sin tau Arab.The bridge of an Arab’s nose is high.6: The Parts of the Body
*ilung-ilungvag mag-, -um-; ran -an.To shake (one’s) head back and forth to show disappointment, disapproval, discontentment, innocence.Saꞌ nagꞌilung-ilung pagkitaꞌ niya sin hinang mu.He just shook his head when he saw your work.
*ilusvag mag-, -um-.To stretch, move, wiggle (as in waking up from sleep).Buwaha magtuy in bataꞌ bang magꞌilus bat diꞌ tumangis.Rock the baby right away if he stretches so he won’t cry.Cf.hibal
IlyasnElijah (the prophet of God during the reign of king Ahab).Hi Ilyas in nabi sin Tuhan way nakalabay kamatay.Elijah is one prophet of God who did not pass death.
-im-infixifxThe begun aspect form of -um- indicating single, simple or general acts. Often occuring with verb roots involving weather, natural forces, etc.
imamnA title for any of the various Muslim religious leaders or officials, the leader of prayer in a Muslim mosque.Kawaꞌ kaw madtu imam pabāngan ta in bāy natuꞌ.Go get the leader of prayers; we will exorcise our house.vag mag-, -um-.To perform the task of a leader of prayers.Subay usug sadja in magꞌimam.Only men should lead in prayer.Cf.bilalhatib
īmannFaith, restraint or forbearance (as from temptations), patience, endurance.Pahuguta in īman mu ha Tuhan.Make your faith in God firm.Pilak in nakapilad sin īman niya.Money overwhelmed his restraint from temptation.vAR ag mag-; ran -an.To exercise restraint or forbearance, patience, endurance; bear with (something, as grief, sorrow, pain, anger).Mahunit īmanan in manga karupangan nila.It’s quite hard to bear with their foolishness.adjbalꞌimanHaving firm restraint, forbearance, patience.Cf.sabal1tatas
imbaytEng.vag mag-, -um-, mang-; pat -un.To invite (someone).Imbayta siya magpiknik.Invite her to a picnic.Mangimbayt kami kabagayan pa piknik.We will invite friends for the picnic.Imbaytun ku in kambal kumaun ha bāy.I’ll invite the twin tomorrow to eat in our house.Cf.abi-abi*taabbit
impisnA chick.Ayaw butasa in manga impis yan dayn ha inaꞌ manuk.Don’t separate the chicks from their mother.
imun-imunnA snack, a kind of light food (eaten before or after a meal), merienda.Awn pagꞌimun-imun pagꞌubus sin panayam-nayam.There will be a merienda after the game.vag mag-, -um-, mang-; ran piyag-…-an.To take a snack; celebrate (something) with a snack.Magꞌimun-imun kita ha tinda yaun.We will have a snack at that store.Piyagꞌimun-imunan nila in adlaw kapangdaug nila nagbūla.They celebrated the day of their winning the ball game with a snack.Cf.*limuꞌ-limuꞌ
inrelCase marking particle indicating the noun phrase which stands in a topic relationship to the predicate.Haunu in bāy niya?Where is his house?Hinduan sin mastal in bataꞌ .The children are taught by the teacher.
inaꞌ1nMother, female parent. (In compound construction may refer to animals, birds, etc.) (inaꞌ manuk mother chicken, inaꞌ sapiꞌ mother cow).Hangka-inaꞌ hi Jamila kay Fatima.Jamila and Fatima have the same mother (but different fathers).Cf.ambuꞌ2nThe largest part (of a piece of turmeric or ginger, from which small pieces branch out).
inasir1nNature, origin, elements (refers generally to the four elements water, earth, fire, and air).In katān muwiꞌ da pa inasir bang mapatay.All people will return to their original state when they die.In inasir sin mānusiyaꞌ dayn ha lupaꞌ, tubig, hangin iban kāyu.The origin of mankind is from earth, water, air, and fire.Cf.tagnaantagnaꞌ2nA constituent (of something).
inaun(from inaꞌ)nThe sister or female cousin of one’s parent; aunt.Inaun ku in taymanghud babai sin amaꞌ ku.The sister of my father is my aunt.vRCmag-.To be related as ego and sister or female cousin of one’s parent.Magꞌinaun in anak ku iban sin taymanghud ku babai.My child and my sister are related as nephew/niece and aunt.Cf.babuꞌ 1
indanA fancy, whim.Diꞌ magkaīg in inda sin tau ini ha pagbadjuꞌ mahalgaꞌ.This person’s fancy for fancy clothes doesn’t stop.vpat ma-.To have a fancy for, envy (something); be lured, attracted by (something), be desirous (of something).Ayaw kaw mainda ha manga tau mataud sīn nila.Don’t envy the people who have plenty of money.Cf.ibug
indaꞌnTerm of address for a female child or young girl, term of affection for a younger female (but not one’s wife); girlie, young lady.Indaꞌ, kaingatan mu in bāy hi Datuꞌ Titung?Young lady, do you know the house of Lord Titung?Haunu hi Indaꞌ?Where is girlie?Cf.ayang 1
indaginisvar.indajinisadjVarious, of different kinds.Indaginis in kakaun biyutang kāmuꞌ.We were served different kinds of food.SYN.indalupa
indalupaadjVarious, miscellaneous, of different kinds.Indalupa na in sayul diyaragang ha tabuꞌ.There are different kinds of vegetables sold in the market.SYN.indaginis
indannA mark, sign, symptom (as of sickness); memory.Nalawaꞌ siya ha indan.He lost his memory.vAR ag mag-; ran -an.To put a mark or sign (on something), commit (something) to memory, take note or notice of (as to mark one’s words), remember (a place).Indani sadja in pamūng ku.Just take note of my words.Kaindanan mu in bakas piyaghulaan nila?Can you remember where they used to live?Diꞌ ku kaindanan bang haunu tiyawꞌ in pamulawan.I can’t remember where the jewelry was kept.adjmaindanHaving a good or retentive memory (for something, usu. a place).Diꞌ kitaniyu malawaꞌ sabab maindan in iban taniyu ini.We won’t get lost because our companion has a good memory for places.npangindananA mark, sign (that reminds one of something), symptom.In batu ini in pangindanan sin daplinan sin lupaꞌ ta.This rock is the mark of the boundary of our land.Unu in pangindanan ta ha tau masuuk na matay?What is the sign (that tells) us when a person is about to die?Cf.tandaꞌ*tumtum 1