raayatnPeople, subjects, citizens.Kiyaamuhan in raayat sin hulaꞌ ha baꞌgu parhimpunan.The citizens of the country favored the new society.Cf.tau 1mahlukmānusiyaꞌ
Rabiyul Awalvar.Rabi Al AwalnThe third month of the Muslim calendar, having thirty days.It is characterized by the celebration of the Mawlud, Muhammad’s birthday.Bulan Rabiyul Awal in pagmawlud.The third month of the year is the month in which Muhammad’s birthday is celebrated.bulan
rahmatnBlessing (from God) in the form of external physical comforts.Dihilan rahmat in tau katān magparachaya ha Tuhan.All people who believe in God will be given the blessing of external comforts.Cf.niꞌmat
RajanKing, the royal king of pre-Spanish Filipinos.Piyatay sin manga Kastilaꞌ in raja ha Manilaꞌ.The Spanish killed the king in Manila.Cf.sultanRaja Lawdcomp.nSea king (formerly a title, now used as a proper name).Raja muraꞌcomp.nHeir apparent, crown prince.
RajabnThe seventh month of the Muslim calendar, having thirty days.It is characterized by the celebration of Miradz, Muhammad’s ascension to heaven.Bulan Rajab in pagbassa sin Miradz.The seventh month of the year is the time when the story of Muhammad’s ascension is read.bulan
RamadannThe ninth month of the Muslim calendar, having thirty days.The fasting month characterized by prayer for the Laylatul Kadar, from the 21st to 27th.Magpuasa in katān Muslim ha bulan Ramadan.All Muslims fast during the ninth month of the year.bulan
rasulnAn apostle (used to refer to the Prophet Muhammad).Hi Nabi Muhammad in rasul sin Allah.Prophet Muhammad is the apostle of God.
rayumaEng.nRheumatism.In rayuma ini sakit tau maas.Rheumatism is a disease of elderly people.SYN.ulapid
rīpanA raffle.vag mag-; pat -un.To draw a raffle.Magrīpa sila kunsūm.They’ll draw raffles tomorrow.Cf.*kuut 2.2
Ruhul KudusnHoly Spirit (of God).Kumusug in īman mu pa Tuhan bang kaw hūpun sin Ruhul Kudus niya.Your faith in God will be strengthened if you are filled with His Holy Spirit.
rukuꞌnThe posture in Muslim praying in which the body is bowed with the hands on the knees.Pakitaan kaniya bang biyaꞌdiin in rukuꞌ pagꞌiyanun.Show him what is meant by the term rukuꞌ.vag -um-, mag-.To bow in prayer.Ayaw kaw rumukuꞌ muna dayn ha imam.Don’t bow in prayer ahead of the religious leader.Cf.anduksujud
rukunnPrecept, pillar of faith (used of the five precepts of the Muslim faith).In lima rukun sin Islam amu in magsahadat, magjakat, magsambahayang lima waktu, magpuasa ha bulan Ramadan, iban maghadjiꞌ pa Makka.The five pillars of the Islamic faith are to bear witness, to tithe, to pray five times daily, to keep the fast of Ramadan, and to make the pilgrimage to Mecca.