hanginnBreeze, wind, air.Way kumusug hangin adlaw yan.The wind is really strong today.Bang humuyup in hangin magpalupad kita taguriꞌ.When the wind blows we will fly the kite.Kulang hangin in silikan sin jīp mu.The tire of your jeep is low in air.adjmahanginWindy.Mahangin dayn dī ha pantan.It’s windy out here on the porch.vag magpa-; ran pa-…-an.To expose (something) to the air.Ayaw mu pahangini in manga bangbang.Don’t expose the cookies to the air.Cf.hunusbadjudalat
uttaraꞌ | north |
timul | northeast |
tunggaraꞌ | east to southeast |
sātan | south to southeast |
barat daya | south to southwest |
habagat | southwest to west-southwest |
kanaway | northwest |
hilagaꞌ | north-northwest |
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