1.1vCV ag mag-; pat -un; goal -an.Generic term to carry (something), bring or take (something by carrying it); (with pa₂) to send (as a letter or message. See parā).Tabang kaw magdā sin kalangkapan yan.Help carry that baggage.Dāhun ku pa tabuꞌ in manga sayul yan.I’ll take (carry) those vegetables to the market.Dāhan ta kaw istaꞌ.I’ll bring you some fish.Nagparā lapal in mayul.The mayor sent words.npangdā-rāThings carried, goods.1.2vag mag-, -um-; pat -un.To refer (something to someone), take (a matter to court or to someone).Bang diꞌ masulut in parkalaꞌ mu ha mayul dāha na pa huwis.If your case can’t be settled by the mayor take it to court.

ampupuꞌ in both arms close to the chest
awluꞌ on the arms extended out in front
baba on the back
balung on both shoulders
bitbit (something heavy) dangling from the arm
kandung in oneꞌs garment in front of one
kandut in something tied around oneꞌs waist
hambin (something large) under the arm
lutu on the head
paꞌsan (a long object or a person) on one shoulder
pindit dangling from the hand
pipi in/on one arm, against oneꞌs side or chest
saꞌlay hanging from the shoulder, draped across the
sipit (something slender) under the arm/armpit
tambin by two or more people by any method
tangaꞌ in oneꞌs mouth, dangling from the mouth
tanggung on one shoulder with a pole
usung in a litter or by interlacing the hands to
form a seat

2vag mag-; pat -un.To bear (responsibility, sorrow, anger, etc.).Diꞌ na aku makarā sin kasusahan ku.I cannot bear my sorrow.3vag -um-; pat -un.Always used with a second verb, e.g., to engage someone in conversation, arrange to see someone, engage someone in quarreling, etc.To arrange (to do something with someone), engage (someone in doing something).Dāhun niya aku magbichara saꞌ diꞌ aku mabayaꞌ.He wants to engage me in conversation, but I don’t want to.Subay mu dāhun magꞌisun in manga iban mu pasal sin hinang niyu.You should engage your companions in a conference about your work (i.e., confer with them).Dāha magkitaꞌ in pulis pasal sin parakalaꞌ mu.Arrange to see the police about your case (i.e., go see the police).4npagdāThe way one conducts (oneself or one’s life, work, affairs), the way one treats (other people).Kiyaamuhan aku sin pagdā sin mayul ini sin baran niya.I am pleased with the way this mayor conducts himself.vag mag-, -um-; pat -un.To conduct (oneself or one’s life, work, affairs); treat (other people).Mahumu bukun marayaw magdā sin kawl piil niya in kapitan yan.Often that captain does not conduct his behavior well (i.e., does not behave well).5npangdā-rāEuph.The external genitals (of either a man or a woman).

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