habul11.1nThe little bit of extra added when a purchase has been made, usually for friends after a bargain has been made.1.2vTo give an extra of anything.
hafak11.1nWing, organ of flight in birds, fowl, airplanes.Sifen laan hafaken.She stuck it under her wing.Okóm yó kmò Tukol du yem ikong Ko, tódô suen laan hafaken, snufiten hafak kmoen du, yó kmoen du hsufaen eta ne elaan.But what Tailor Bird did with Hornbill's tail feather was he just put it under his wing; what he did was hold it tight with his wing; he had it protruding up above and down below.1.2vTo have wings.
hafak léwék1exprAn expression used to describe someone who arrives or leaves hurriedly, as when bad news is received. Also when one is overly excited to meet a loved one coming toward his house.Deng tódô hafak yê léwéken nen e gungol deng hto mà dì.Mother just flew in her skirt when she heard that uncle had died.
hagang1nRocky cliffs, large and white.Sok hulé tuduk ebè Kiambà tey dê hagang tonem.When you go through the forest to Kiambà you see many rocky cliffs.synhfasang 1.1fromfasang*hfulù 1.1fromfulù*2v/adj(Of women) to be brave, courageous, as in court.Tnanahem hol hagang soki kól bè kukum.Early on you really be courageous when you arrive in court.synhtuluk 1.1fromtuluk
hagê11.1nRolling object used for target practice.1.2vTo get something rolling and then shoot at it for training purposes; to launch a moving target.
haha1nThigh of person or animal; lap of a person.Tey litô lem hólólen kun, luk gu bè blututen, lel gu bè hahan.It's said there was bleeding from his hands, at the same time from his abdomen and from his thighs.
hakang1nAustralian asthma weed, a creeping herb. Also known as cat's hair or snake weed.cfbnes tugéng 1.1Euphorbia hirta.2nTattoo.Tey lemtom hakangen tau tu.That person's tattoo is very clear and pretty.syntugéng 1.23nStake where carabao is tied.Nélékem yem mtétél ke moi hakang klembew.Choose what is strong when you make a stake for the carabao.4vTo hit something dead center, as a target, direct to the point.Sok gnóm ye sidek yem udél bê ye kento hakang eta yem tau.If you feel that the words are bad/hurting, don't be direct to the point with the person.Ke gemtii iwas hol hakangem bè kfuhen.If you shoot a monkey (with bow and arrow) really hit his chest.
hakê11.1nA portion of a floor that is higher than the main floor in a Tboli house.It is along three sides of the room where visitors sit and occupants sleep. The wall can be swung out from the top for light and air.synblabà 1.1desyung 1.11.2vTo make this portion of the floor.
haking1vTo change direction and proceed on from one place or thing to another.Omin le yó bud haking ebè yem sotuhen.Then they again changed direction (and went) to another one.Sok deng kógówem lem fedyan hakingi kut ebè yem tindà bong, mlihi kut snilas.After you have gone to the market, please change direction (go back) to the big store to buy slippers.
hakul11.1nYoung, immature, bean pods.Yó gel bol le du, blotung matak duhen ke blangul ne yem hakulen.They always mix young mung beans or green beans and its young pods (in the soup).1.2vTo cut the bean pods for cooking.
hala11.1nShelf; a platform built above the fire table used for drying firewood, wild pig or corn used for seed. Often the kettles are hung underneath it over the fire.Ne lemwót yem sóól, tebel le lem kuleng tonok, ne nules le, hyón le ta hala mò lensut le sok le kól mehek.They leave half of the cooked rice in the clay kettle; they cover the top and tie it; they set it on the shelf above the firetable for bringing out when they arrive from planting.1.2vTo make this shelf.
halang11.1nDorsal fin.Klifótu là mkó yem halang utón.I forgot to remove the dorsal fin of the fish.1.2adjTo have a fin.
halang wak1nA variety of softwood tree and its inedible fruit.
halas11.1nAppearance.synbalu11cflasì 1.11.2vLoud, offensive and provocative.Tey hmalas tau ni.This man is very offensive.2Strict, rigid; severe, harsh.
halay11.1nRice, unhusked, a staple food of the Philippines.Traditionally Tboli have planted only upland rice on mountain sides. The main parts of the rice plant are: tlê 'a shoot' (which comes up at the base of the plant, usually three or four for each plant); |tinu 'the stalk' (each one has five or six hollow joints, with a leaf coming out at each joint); doun 'leaves' (which are long, slender, and pointed, rather stiff); teglang 'the stem' (where the leaf is attached to the stalk); klifak 'a sheath-like covering at the base of each stem'; (after the leaf has dried and fallen off, the klifak remains on the stalk, strengthening it); bungu 'fruit' (i.e., the grains of rice which grow on a branched panicle (head), each one bearing from fifty to three hundred spikelets (flowers) from which the grains develop). When speaking in general of the unhusked rice grains, they are called botù, which is any spherical entity; husked rice is msó; glutinous rice is hulut. The importance of rice in the culture can be seen in (1) the many stages they can identify in the development of the rice plant, and (2) in the great many varieties of upland rice Tboli can identify by looking at the grains.Oryza sativa.1.2vTo produce, plant rice, have an abundant harvest.Ni halay ni mò le halay.This year they plant rice.2A year.Strictly speaking, a year includes only the ten months used for rice production. The new year begins with January, the time for clearing an area for a rice field, and ends with October, the time for threshing. November and December are spoken of as kogol kmusu 'after threshing'. (See Agricultural seasons under bulón 'month'.)
halay boloksubentry ofhalay 1.2To produce, plant rice, have an abundant harvest.
halay eheksubentry ofehek 1.1A dibble-stick, a pointed stick used to make holes for planting rice.
halì11.1nWound, cut; sore.Yó nmoen tenngelen kun halì gu bè hahan ne kem halì gu bè laan tihen ne gu bè hólólen.What he did was to look at the wounds on his thigh and the wounds underneath his feet and on his hands.1.2vTo wound.