Tboli - English



limbas11.1nAn iron file used to sharpen metal, as a shovel or saw.1.2vTo use an iron file; to sharpen something by using an iron file.synóhóng 1.1
limbà1v(Of a tree) to spread out its branches like horns of an animal.
limbuk*1vTo crowd around someone or something.
limeng1vTo keep secret, hidden.Moen du ke beyen limeng ye do nim sentulón ni?Why did you keep it secret from me this rumor (that you're talking about here).synbnos 1.2buni 1.1hlalà 1.1lifut 1.1
limes1vTo drown.Bang dù tagak du de yó kem ngà onuk gotu le limes bè tey kulón bong.There was none left of the tiny chicks, they all drowned in the downpour.
limod1vTo suck on (as hard candy); to swallow something without liquid or without chewing.synamul 1.1
limu11.1nCardinal number 5.Limu kwen le ni kem blotik tmiba ni.There are as many as five stars (they observe) for making a field.1.2adjFifth.
limu lad1nfive centavos.
limun bigusubentry oflimun 1.1To cover something up with cloth, leaves; cover something by payment of a fine.
limun yakidiom oflimun 1.1To cover something up with cloth, leaves; cover something by payment of a fine.
lindan1vTo wander around aimlessly or anxiously pace back and forth, as when waiting outside the emergency room.cfheksów 1.2ksów 2
lindò1vTo have many excuses for not doing what one is asked to do; to beat around the bush when telling something; to wander off, play around instead of doing one's work; to have a teasing manner, not being serious.synhlolu1 1.1loluléét 1.1linggà 1.1linggot 1.1lumu 1teyen 11.2tolun 1.1cfganggà 1.1anggàgékét 1.1ékétgolun 1.1olunlegen 1.1lima 1.2
lingas1adjVigorous, energetic, fast in work or in speech; hospitable; cheerful.antlingay 1.1synkadas 2
lingeg1vTo hum.
linggeng11.1nA continuous humming, buzzing sound, as of bees, planes, cars, chain saw.Tehe gida Afun teganay là dogi sungol bà mon linggeng ówóng te kmawang.During the war with Japan you couldn't hear each other due to the continuous humming of all the planes flying in the sky.synlendel 1.11.2vTo make a continuous humming sound.Tey linggeng blawang ebuteng.The mosquitoes really buzzed last night.synandal 1.2luk 1.2lungkul 1.2
lingkag1vTo move around but not get anything done; to dawdle, putter around with trifles.Béi tendo lingkag hekawang dé ihi tey dê nmò oloi tmóbóng.Don't just dawdle without getting anything done, look there is lots to do, you should be helping.cfheksów 1.2ksów 2
lingkal1nWire.cfhanak 1.2