lugodvarmugod1nGeneration, descendants.synból 2ketol 1sfu 3fromfu 2tbong 1tlê 12vTo fall over, to push over, to tip over.g-, h-, k-, m-.varhlugodlugod swìidiomOf a legal case, to countercharge.Temgamahi, kô lugod le swì kukum.Be careful, they might countercharge (onto you) the charges in the case.des mugod2Epilepsy.3nInterest or increase.Hol hendóm o filak bud huléku bà hilu lugod.Really lend me money and I will return it even how much interest.4vTo start over from a place; to go back to the level of the previous start; to go end over end.Wen hilu dulék lugod he yó dù kenlo ominen deng.There are many times of starting (going back and forth) yet of that weeding before it's done.Anien he ke hilu lugod tum dù kenlo.That remaining unweeded area can take even how many starting overs before it's done.g-, h-.Lomi me hlugod gu du.We have just started from there.k-, m-, s-.Tey kegenen tek ngà slugod kdungon knaluden.He was a long time stripping just one plant (start) of abaca.To go down one row weeding and return back on the next row, going back and forth from one end to the other.

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