Browse Timucua - English



Iobn*JobJob (nombre)Borrowed from SpanishBorrowed
ioboiobosp. var. ofyobostone
iòquasp. var. ofyoquaother question final
Iosephedial. var. ofJoseph
Iosese Abarimatianprop*Joseph of Aramathiasp. var.Ioseph Abarimatias
ipadial. var. ofipoconsume (tobacco)
iparuiparuveat, consumecomer, consumirArte f130 'quebrar el maiz tostado entre los dientes, molello, comello'Tacachuleheco, qisaleheco, ulipassaleheco queneheta, ibiqitaleheco, hibeleco quenema iparubi cho?Did you eat any coal, dirt, or broken pottery, or fleas or lice?Conf, f1 1.1This is not the normal word for 'eat', which is he. Iparu is used only once in the corpus, when talking about eating non-foods such as dirt or insects.ConfidentCr pap-ita; H/MK impa; Al ompa, K ohompa, Ct. impa. Cs impacfheipoyperu
ipèipènthornespinaConfidentsp. var.hipeĭpeǐpe
ĭpeĭpesp. var. ofipèthorn?
ipeloipelovstep onpisaracu nìa yoquaco pochata tocohanima chito china, ipelo habele, acu numa careeyema nayobo habe quenela, chinacalubosonoma cantela caqi hiti chitoma naipelosiba michunu Diosisomiheca noconica santa MARIA nantechule, naqueniqe equelareqe istanicano. Lit:Another woman will follow and she will step on your head, and the road to heaven will be ... and you will be punished" the one who steps on the head of this demon is the mother of God our intercessor (?) Holy Mary" Another woman will break your head, who will be at battle and an enemy to you without truce, and will leave you so that you are not the head of the world and so that you do not command."Otra muger te quebrantarà la cabeça Gen<esis> 3. con quien ternas guerras y enemistades sin treguas ipse, conteret caput tuum, y te quitarà que no seas cabeça del mundo, y que no mandes.1627 Cat 1.3Probableipele
ipeloipelovbreak into pieces (e.g. the host, pipes)frangirNaqueniqe, Hostiama ipelota, qichisonocote, mine Iesv Christo vnaletanima, palahetila...That although the Host is broken into pieces, the body of Jesus Christ is not broken...Qve aunque se frange la Hostia, no se quebrãta el cuerpo de Iesv Christo, ...Pareja 1627:f018v-019r 1.1Probablesp. var.ypelo
iperuquaiperukʷav1drive away, frighten2destroysp. var.yperuquacomp of-qua
ipesodial. var. ofpesaflow out
ipiv1grindcaqi Mannà mano, vquata elocota ypita vlima ecata, emotequa, Lit:one takes this manna and rubs it and grinds it and pours it in a pot and soPareja 1627:f082v-083r 1.2Probable2take off (clothing)patu nicalamatileqe amuna ipitalaBecause I am not cold, or I am not dying of cold, I am taking off this piece of clothing.Porque no tengo frio o no me muero de frio me quito la ropaArte, f1 12.1Probableypi
ipiluipiluvreply (with hebua)respondercfpilumicomp. ofpilu-misp. var.ypilucomp.hebuapilurespond?hebuav
ipiqùovunknown verb
ipoipov1uproot, transplantdesarraigar, transplantarArte, f11 arrancar Confident2extinguishextinguirArte, f11 arrancar Confident3come out (in a curing ceremony)?salir, quitar, revelarseArte, f11 arrancar Probable4removecfipococomp. of-coypo
ipoipo1vconsume, smokebebertabaco niépatileqe nimaiuteBecause I don't consume tobacco, I am without strength.Porque no bebo tabaco estoy desmayadoArte f123The Arte uses the expression beber tabaco, but it is not clear if this refers to smoking, chewing, or some other kind of tobacco consumption. This verb is written épa, ipo, ipa; it is not clear if these variations are merely orthographic or if there is some allomorphic relationship between them.2consume (tobacco)dial. var.ipaEAT Cr pap-ita, S pap-it (N), OS isti pa:pa 'lion' ('person eater'); H (Gatschet: K) ipapa, Mk: ya:t-ipa-hc-i 'lion (PERSON EAT-er)' (W); Al ipa (H), K i:pa (K); Ct, Cs apa, MCt pa:pa (baby talk). (MJ apa.) [See EAT (1). Two roots, one with one p, one with two, may be involved. Cf. FEED.]cfiparuepaipopicomp.ipopintobacco
ipochoipotʃovuproot, transplant
ipocoipokov1bleed, cause blood to flow2pour outcomp. of-cosuffix on adjectival preds
ipopiipopintobaccotabacocomp. ofipoconsume, smoke gather/bring
iposiiposiv1stop, remove2removesp. var.hiposiipoiposypos
ipuluipuluv1returnProbable2reply (with hebua)Confidentypulu