abaabavinjure oneselfherirseyahinococomaqua abala.He injured himself with his own axe.con la propia hacha se hirióPareja 1614:22 10.1ebuasoma abalaHe injured himself with the oarCon el remo se dióProbable
abacovbe repaired, restored? Usually with applicative na-. Tentative
abagalaabagalavpaddlechapotear, remar Ibi abagalata nayeno ticoma piluabe tileqe ibinaqe elota piluhauetila manda bohota elofibi cho?In passing with the canoe a rock ledge (barra ó vaya) and there being a surging of the sea, did you whistle at it for not getting upset?Conf. f131; gI 1:1Probable
abalavlean?inclinar?Abosacocolatiquãta, maha vtimaqua, naqùanolehauemano, itimileno, hùema, tana, atiqùisohabeqe, naqùosonoletahauemano, nante, chitomano, tomo, tomomosota, balico, abalatiqua, norote chatiqua, mosota, iniqe itimilenoma, Sacramẽtoma vquata, ano [208r] nahabososo, puentanima, na anecocohala, mãda, §The head is straight, not leaning to one side or the other, nor falling to any degree forward, but rather raised slighting, because it is difficult for the priest to place the Sacred Sacrament in the mouth otherwise. la cabeza este derecha, sin inclinarla a vn lado ni otro ni cayda a la parte interior, sino vn poco leuantada, para q sin difficultad llegue el Sacerdote a la boca con el santissimo Sacramento, Pareja 1627:f206v-208v 1.3This verb refers to something that a person should not do while taking communion, possibly leaningTentativeabal
abaraawara ncleared fieldterreno despejadoProbablesp. var.auaraauara abara ele
abatiabatiadjnear?Occurs only once, but contrasted with vio 'far'.comp ofhabaapart-tineghaba
abayabainunknown water animal (possibly manatee)animal de agua desconocido (quizás manatí)heca, ninapichibota sontela caqi, ibine oyoma, cuyu, inereqeine homama, arecota, vchuco, siacatoco, ytorico chayoco, aquatiro l cunachuaco, chayoco abayco, caracasico, tanitoco, echacaco tococo. Lit:He provides them for us and made each fish in the water, the whale, the siacato, the alligator, the chayo, the aquatiro or cunachua, the chayo, the abay, the corvina, the tanito, the mullet, and the toco.[no corresponding Spanish]Pareja 1627:f26v-27r 1.3Acuco, vtinale, aparota, naqua, mostachiqe, chapico, cuiuco, abayco acunaqua mosta [Fol 15v] hachiqe, moqe hachipileco, utinalamoqe. Lit:the moon is Utina, and therefore they worship it, they say, the idol, the fish, the abay, are all [gods] they believe; they say [there should be?] ceremonies, and they say that an animal is Utina.Pareja 1627a:f013r-15v 1.24This animal appears on a list of creatures that live in the water. The quote that discusses idolatry lists fish and abay separately, suggesting that the abay is not a fish, but another kind of animal. Archaeological considerations suggest manatee as a possibility. animalsConfident
abeyahinoabejahinonunknown noun, probably referring to some kind of trouble or difficultyQueniqe Diosima Adanimate, Euamate hity matequenequa anoyahareqe nacalubosonima ahosta, naquana nayoba Parayso vtiteracoco michu hono vlaca cumota fatema narutuquatamoqe vti eyo vtibeqetaco, poro poroco, abeyahinoco, ypèlaco, apacha isticocumota fatema cheyabohaue. So when God had pronounced the sentence to Adam, Eve, and the Devil, then he ordered Adam to leave Paradise, and he gave him .. the land there in front of him, that he work on it all the days of his life, and earn his living in that way Pues auiendo Dios pronunciado la sentencia à Adam, y Eua, y al Demonio, luego le mandò salir à Adam del Parayso, y le diò ora tierra alli de frente del, y que lalabrase todo el tiempo de su vida con que la trabajase, y aßi mereciese el sustento in laborib<us> comedes ex ea Gen<esis> 3. & in sudore tuo. &c.1627 Cat 1.1This is always coordinated with ipe or ipela, and seems to refer to some kind of trouble or difficulty.Tentative
abiabi1vtwear, put on clothesEquela tanahomama nihita tuquinomano abinoco abita ninaminobohauema maninoleqe caqicapilloma niabibohabeqe? Lit:On the last day when we die, will the clothes we wear come with us, for example, this hat that we will wear?1612 Bap 2.1Confident2vbe happy?Tentativeabì
abilaabilanunknown small animalanimal pequeño desconocidoThis is contained on a list of animals in the creation narrative. Perhaps raccoon, otter, opossum?Probable
abitiabiti1vpass (of time)Acu yqilaba mabeta, nacomulgalesonolehauema, SS. Sacramento ayetapaca Sagrario monoma, nayaletequa satele ybinemolamanacu, yale hanimano, inquenemabetaleqe, abitiqua yululuca, vinagre inta cachihabele §Lit:One ought to give communion to the sick (with the wine), [and] they keep the holy sacrament in a wooden box called a Sagrario, and so it is located there. But the wine, due to [how?] they keep it, when time passes, it becomes sour vinegar and is bitter.Pareja 1627:f192v-196r 1.3Often used in the negative, with the sense 'soon' or 'shortly after'. Probable2nmomentabitireqeeach time, each moment, or each hour a cada rato l. a cada momento l. a cada passo l. horaArte, f1 8.1The relationship between abiti and abitima is confusing. The second form is not the noun with the definite -ma, since we find examples like abitimareqema 'every time', where the final -ma is definite.habitimabitiabitima
abitoabitosp. var. ofhabito*habit (religious clothing)
aboabo1virun, walk, move quicklycorrer, caminar, moverse rapidamenteCaqi Angelicaremano heca intequimohetiqua hèca cume maninochu motanteno, yabitoroqe vna oquotoroqe quentelahacu, ano, isapecocoma yribita abomita, vtipitata abosintetiàcu, Diosi arecatiacu aneconeleqete.Lit:These angels are not like us; they love in a way that resembles, but they have no bones and no body. But they fly very swiftly and run and come down to earth and walk.1627 Cat 1.8Tentative2vbehave in a certain way?Tentative
aboabo1nhigh locationubicacion altaConfident2nheavencieloCaqi abo, ano eatema, chi ahodelesibotanchu, Lit:I previously told you about the ones who lived in heaven Pareja 1627a:f013r-15v 1.1Confident3ntopcimaibine tobo chiqequa, vquequano, misoniqe, aye yhiribacoco, ofuenomate, caraba, abococo, ofuenomate, acasala, §Lit:the water covered it there... and rain was sent and rose over the tall trees and over the top of the high caraba.1627 Cat 1.114adjtall, giantAcu naquenemano viro abo nebelecaco chiricota hùe echesonocono, inibitileqeWould it not be a miracle if a giant could fit in a fist? no seria marauilla que vn gigante cupiesse en el puño? Pareja 1627:f021v-022r 1.2ConfidentH (S), Mk amb-i 'high' (DM), abAt-i 'high' (Sm: abunti); Al abayli, aba:li (L), abahli (H), aba (in compounds) (H), K aba (K); Ct aba, Cs aba'. Natchez ʔa·po 'head'abuoavohabuoabò
aboloabolovraisealzar, levantar Ano amitimamano, Itimileno Sacerdoteleta amitimi michu, nihelamanda, Purgatorioma hibuatela, manda equelareqe, na Missa chietequa pilaniqi yahareqe hiereba nacaquino michu chotota, ichuniqe balunimano, anamitima michu Missaletequa Hostiama aboloqe eyobeta caqùino faye michu yeroconisiqemanela. Afterwards it was learned that his brother Germano the priest said a mass for his soul every day, as if he were dead and in purgatory, and at the time of lifting the host, the chains that held Imma fell away.Despues se supo que un hermano suyo Germano Sacerdote dezìa cada dia Missa por su alma, como si ubiera muerto, y estuviera en el Purgatorio, y que al tiempo de alçar de la Hostia se le cayan las prisiones que Imma tenia. [Beda lib 4 hist Angli c 22]Pareja 1627b:f275v-275r 1.1Often found in passages discussing raising the Host during Mass.Confident
abopahaabopahancorn cribgaritaAbopaha falino qibema ipita huyosota ituhutaqere hebi cho?The first time when the corn-crib was opened, did you make any flour for food? and after pounding flour did you pray over it?Ano misoma ituhutetima avohopahama iqinoleheleqete mobi cho?Did you order, that no one open the corn-crib, or approach it, unless the conjurer has previously said his prayers over it?comp. ofabohigh:locationpahahouseabo
aboquaabokʷavhonorhonrarAchaquenta na naaboquanihabue?In doing what is he honoredHow then do we honor himManda cumeleno nayuchamima ofuenoma chiyechitale Diosi visamano hachaquene na aboquanoco ininolehe?Sobre el segundo mandamiento os pregunto que honra se deve dar al nombre de Dios?comp. ofabohigh:location-quaabo
abosiniabosiniv1auxiliary for plural subjectsAcu cumepalinolehaue, caqi Adam Euamate ynihimaleqibemichu, ano inemi, coesa siqita, pochata, abosintanicano, Furthermore we must consider that we all descend from Adam and Eve, the first couple, Mas ∫e a de con∫iderar, que de Adam, y Eua los primeros ca∫ados decendemos todos1627 Cat 1.1Confident2live (in a certain way)Probable3be (pl)supplalihoabosinabosinoabosine
abotaabotasp. var. ofabotobeat; punish strike, hit
abotiaboti1poston, at (a particular time or day)2nhour?Tentative
abotoabotoboto1vtbeat; punishapalearNaquenemano caqi abotima ysino toomama naquosota acu anoco abotonomate, chipasonomate napalucusunumate, anona, caiuqita, mucu, namahatota naiuricosinta nima nate manistetileta, mosotema caqi mandacumelenoma na emoqua ecata, na iniheti intela.He who beats or harms or menaces or injures or affronts the one who offended him or does not pardon or give counsel for whatever contempt, sins against this commandment.El que apalea, o hiere, o amonaça, o injuria o afrenta o a su offensor, no perdona, o da consejo para qualquiera desacato, pecca contra este mandamiento.1612 Cat 2.1Anoco ineca luba ticote hochie yuricono yebueta iquimileqe ineco nahiqe abotosiro-manda quosta nasisobi cho?Lit:Even if a person has not done anything wrong, because of your anger, has some punishment taken place, and have you given an order and had them beaten?Without having any reason except that you were angry, have you punished anyone?Conf, f1 1.1Anoco inonino namoquatima maha ine eyo nayuricomita chacali carema tuchemacamo chiqe abotomoqe yabi vichubi?Did you order laborers to be punished so as to have their arms broken, not for the sake of work, but for being angry?Lit:Did you order that the chacales should beat someone because you were angry and not because of work, and did they break arms?Conf, f1 1.1Abotosiro manibicho?Or have you wanted to do so?O as lo desseado hazer?Lit:Have you wanted to beat them?Conf, f1 5.1Confident2vstrike, hitgolpear, pegarPilema numa hebuama nabotoqe, tapolamano inti uquabicho? When lightnings struck into the clearing (roça) or maize-field, did you not eat of it?Conf, f1 1.1Confidentsp. var.abotaboto