apisoapisovpersuade?This verb is used in the context of Eve encouraging or persuading Adam to eat the apple. Its meaning is not certain, but seems to be something like 'persuade'.Probable
apoholaapoholaapaholan1crow, ravencuervoSoldado vahaleta yqilabota ynihemitileta fataqe apoholamano ynibiti pahachitoma tohorotaqe qieminco eneta ... A soldier being very sick, his son saw almost enumerable ravens on all the roofs of his house. ...Estando un soldado muy enfermo vio su hijo casi innumerables cuervos, por todas las techumbres de su casa...Conf, f2 1.1This word is used to translate the Spanish word cuervo 'raven', but since ravens are not native to Florida, apohola probably refers to crows.Probable2buzzardcigüeñaDubiouscfapoholaapahola
apoholaapoholanname of a Timucua lineage (crow)Otro linaje particular, que es de aura Apohola. Another particular lineage, which is buzzard, Apohola.Pareja 1612:IiiAlthough this passage translates apohola as buzzard, in other places apohola is used to translate the Spanish word cuervo 'crow, raven'.Confidentcfapohola
aposenton*bedroom*aposentoBorrowed from SpanishBorrowed
aposoaposovrupture, tearAnoco aposobicho?Have you ruptured someone?As hecho potroso a alguno?Conf, f1 1.1Aruquicare, eta vlepahamima tocosiro mantequa, toco haueletanimano, vhubi sosotela, acu toconimano taposota tocotela. Lit:Babies when they want to come out of the womb, cause distress; when they come out, they cause tearing.Movilla 1635a:f013v 2.2Confident
aqeaken1airaireAqeco napulaco huqueco ibinaqeco inemimate Diosimate quenequa naqili cobicho.As te ayrado contro Dios o contra el Cielo o lubia [sic] o con las olas o vientos.Conf, f1 1.1Elamate, acumate, chubobomate, mocamate, anomate, acamate, hachibueno eyomate Diosi areconteti?Lit:Didn't God also make the sun, moon, stars, sea, people, air, and other things?Didn't God also make the air, the water, the rocks, men, and all the other things?No a hecho tambien Dios al ayre, el agua, las piedras, los hombres, y todas las de mas cosas?MovDoc f body of waterEquela namaruama, Iueues equelamante, cume areconolehabema, Dios vtinama, areconimano, moca carecote, ybimacarecote nubalacarecote, aquecarecote, caqi vtima, isamolota quanunta nahulubontasiro manda, areconelehachaquene? On the fifth day, which is Thursday, to adorn the earth, God created on it the sea, rivers, and lakes, and in these waters, he created a great number of fish, and he made man the casique or master of them, and he gave the wisdom to fish them. En el quinto dia, que es Iueues, como para adornar la tierra criò Dios en ella el Mar, Rios, y lagunas, y en estas aguas criò grande numero de Peces, de los quales hizo Cacique ò señor al hombre, y le diò sabiduria, para pescallosLit:On the fifth, the day called Thursday, one must understand that God Utina made the seas, the rivers, the lakes, and the aqe to wash and adorn the earth and so that one could farm it. Why did he make them?1627 Cat 1.1Usually aqe means 'air', but in a few passages it is in a list of bodies of water.sp. var.aqùeacaaquecomp.ibinaqewaveibinenichiraqenorthwest windichiran