Timucua - English



aecaecaaekaekaIdeounknown ideophoneVisorrey michunu hica habotimabeta Itimileno pahama apachaelequa aecaecamosota § [the viceroy] commanded that [the boy] go to a orchard of religious people whose convent was outside the city...Conf, f8 1.5This ought to refer to a way in which the boy in the passage obeyed the order of the viceroy. Possibly something like 'immediately, obediently'.Hapax Legomenondial. var.ecaeca
afaafavconfess allAcu, yniheti, ynino, orobinta, habeleta yuchinomano, minehitima, picho here herema, chumota, naiqelo abechumosota, ano, napalucusuta, cunamile, nahiotechu, mosotanimano, yuchinomabetaleqe, afatiquaninolehero, manda nasotanima, nantela. Shame in confession is also the menacing knife which the Devil puts to the throat so that the sinner may not confess his sins openly.También es la vergüenza en la confesión, cuchillo amenazador que el Demonio, pone a la garganta, por que no confiese el pecador a la clara sus pecados.Conf, f0 1.1This verb is usually in the negative, speaking of failure to fully confess.Probable
afaafanafternoontardeIesu Christo anocomile, Viernes ela afama, nihinemano, Domingo carotamaqua, baluta toconela chimotemano, Viernes ela afama iribota, Domingo vquatiqua nahutemano, vquaca ela yucho tetilechu, chaquenta ela nahapumima baluta toconela monolete?Lit:You say that Jesus Christ our lord died on Friday afternoon and resurrected and came out on Sunday (at dawn?)How do we verify that the Master raised on the third day, because from the Friday afternoon when Christ was buried until the night before Sunday when he raised, there are not two complete daysComo se verifica, que el Señor resucitase al tercero dia, pues desde la tarde del viernes quando Christo fue sepultado hasta la noche antes de el Domingo quando resucito, no ay ni aun dos dias enteros.Movillaf019v 1.1Usually with ela 'day'Confidentafua
afa afaafa afaadvpeacefully?Probableafatimocomp.afatimovbe peaceful?
afabaafabaadjlight, lightlyafabquanalightlyligeramenteArte, f139 afabquana The form in the Arte appears to show deletion of a final vowel before quana 'always, habitually'. However other textual forms show afaba, without final vowel deletion.Confidentsp. var.afauaaafabafabo
afanoafanonpart of the placename AfanochuaConfidentcomp.Afanochuaname of a lake/sinkholechuanprop
Afanochuaafanotʃuanpropname of a lake/sinkholeCited in the journal of Diego Peña (1716) as a place in Alachua County9.7.2Name of a placecomp. ofafanochuaholechua
afatimoafatimovbe peaceful?comp. ofafa afapeaceful?-timopart of several verbs (perhaps full of, characterized by)afa afa
afauaaafabasp. var. ofafabalight, lightly
Afuycancomponent of a mission name9.7.2Name of a placeConfident
aguabenditan*holy water*agua benditaBorrowed from SpanishBorrowedaguabẽdita
ahan[element in 'bridge']ahatocacomp.ahatokanbridgeCaqi equelete, chi orobiniponta pono habele ponota orobinino ysticoso hanimano ahatocama mihanima..Today she will come to confess to you and will make a bad confession and when she comes to the bridge...Flandes vtiueta nialeqe, viroleqe quene chupi yuchota, yoboahatoca yachebanco abosinta muquatamoqe In the country of Flanders, two hundred women and men were walking and dancing on an enormous stone bridge and in Flanders, two hundred people, men and women, were walking and dancing and wrapped up in delights on the bridge
ahanayeahanajenoakrobleHuri melaso habueleta naye atuluma mareca ahanaye quranoma marecaquene nachicalisota paluta nayoco eyaso yaquilaco eyasoquosta elota nabue chasota aya pahama ta iribosono lehabe mobicho?To go hunting deer and to burn a pile of straw to hunt them, have you made six arrows and six splinters of oak, and mixing a yaquila all between a woven cloth, and singing all night, and then you will go hunting and that you will catch many, have you said this?comp. ofahànoacornayetree, woodahàno
ahànoahànonacornConfidentsp. var.aya honofruitahanayecomp.ahanajenoakHuri melaso habueleta naye atuluma mareca ahanaye quranoma marecaquene nachicalisota paluta nayoco eyaso yaquilaco eyasoquosta elota nabue chasota aya pahama ta iribosono lehabe mobicho?To go hunting deer and to burn a pile of straw to hunt them, have you made six arrows and six splinters of oak, and mixing a yaquila all between a woven cloth, and singing all night, and then you will go hunting and that you will catch many, have you said this?
aharoaharovopen (the mouth)A sante Maria mine nipitamima, aharota, Ecce Ancilla Domini, ista llabe nafalino chumota numama, yanquosota falitanima nasotechule.Lit:When holy Mary opened her mouth and said Ecce Ancilla Domini, it was like a key that opened, and the heavens opened all at once when she did this....the virgin opened Heaven with key of her tongue when she said Ecce ancilla Domini la Virgẽ vna vez abriò el Cielo, con la llabe de su lengua quãdo dixò Ecce ancilla Domini etc. Pareja 1627:f049v 1.1Probablesp. var.ayaro
ahatocaahatokanbridgepuenteCaqi equelete, chi orobiniponta pono habele ponota orobinino ysticoso hanimano ahatocama mihanima..Today she will come to confess to you and will make a bad confession and when she comes to the bridge...Flandes vtiueta nialeqe, viroleqe quene chupi yuchota, yoboahatoca yachebanco abosinta muquatamoqe In the country of Flanders, two hundred women and men were walking and dancing on an enormous stone bridge and in Flanders, two hundred people, men and women, were walking and dancing and wrapped up in delights on the bridge comp. ofahatocaaha
ahelaahelanfirewoodleñaIn most contexts, this fairly clearly means 'firewood', but in a few contexts it appears in proximity to discussion of canoes.Confident
ahoahov1expose, revealexponer, revelar, descubrirnate hosinibichica?Did you consent to expose each other?Conf, f215Confident2open?Tentative3explainsp. var.ahóhoahotelecomp.ahotelecfahotelesoder. ofahovtell, boast aboutAndaqua inino isticolebinco cume echeta nacupanamita ano eyomate naahodelesimita isaco manta oro oramobicho?Have you delighted in past sins, remembering about them and even taking the liberty to tell them to others?Ano hutasininotico vtasininicala mota anoco ahotele sibicho?As dicho anduve con la tal persona mintiendo en ello?Minecotamano, Caqi, chi ahodeleta tolobosobosiro nimantemano...Son, what I want to say to you...ahotelesoder.ahotelesocfahotelecomp. ofahovprognosticate by (animals)?maha nahiabosiro mantetima namucuntema acu Fe muenoma Dios nocomi nabohono lehauema hanta Christianoti vti habaueta mita, nifari abuetilemantema hiqino vohotemate hachipile ahotelesotemate quenema hachibuenocare inemima ine calubuono lehaue yabisacatale manta, bohotemate:and goes among unbelievers, or he that desecrates the church or cross or images of the saints, or any of the other sacred things, or he that believes dreams or signs or birds or fishes, or invokes the Devil and speaks with them in conjuring, he that blasphemes or ... with words or signs or he that grumbles against God or his saints sins against this first commandment to love God over all things
ahósp. var. ofahoexpose, reveal open?
ahoniahonivbe obedient?Tentative
ahonoahononchildniñoAhono nia. My daughter.1612 Baptism f56r-60rConfidentahono niacomp.ahono niandaughterEL Padre y madre dizen a su Hijo, chirico viro, y a la Hija, chiriconia y ahono viro ahononia. ¶ Word of relationship that men and women use indifferently. The father and mother say to their son, chirico viro, and to the daughter, chiriconia and ahono viro ahononia. 4.1.9Kinshipahono virocomp.ahono bironson4.1.9Kinship
ahono niaahono niandaughterhijaEL Padre y madre dizen a su Hijo, chirico viro, y a la Hija, chiriconia y ahono viro ahononia. ¶ Word of relationship that men and women use indifferently. The father and mother say to their son, chirico viro, and to the daughter, chiriconia and ahono viro ahononia. 4.1.9Kinshipcomp. ofahonochildniawomanahono