ananiasn*Ananais (Biblical character)Ananias (personaje biblico)Borrowed from SpanishBorrowedAnanias
anapieanapienbark (of a tree)corteza de arbolArte f53The Arte text says 'la [casa] de corteza de baria anapie paha".Confidentcf*piela
anaqeadjhumble, peacefulAnochicoba letemano, cume anaqe letema, ona, Dios qiemima monole mohauela. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the children of God Son bienauenturados los pacificos, por que seran llamados hijos de DiosLit:Movilla 1635a:f092r-093r 2.9Preceded by cume. The negated form anaqeti is more common in the corpus than the positive form.Confidentaneqeticomp.aneketiadj1be proudhytimano nahyabota anonapiqita orobintequa mine aneqetilenomima nafata chebenimichu naminohamanta orobininole hetiromanta nasotela§ The devil knows and from envy he wants that we not confess [and gain what] he lost from his prideAno aneqetilenomano hachaque ninomasino?What (kind of) thing is pride?caqi ysihana cumeleno natimo, naquosohanayeno naqi ysaysa motelamo motanayenachi quenihabele santissimo sacramento hibuatema mucuqua, neqerota hibuata anoconanimelaboni habe, iniheti ninisibale, numama, aneqetilenchu chanimantele natenima nista nimelabo mota cume abotono yahoso hache masiqe, §If you truly swear by this in the heart, then you [will] become beautiful...[see and kneel before] the most holy sacrament saying "My lord, have mercy on me; I am a sinner. I was proud before heaven. I repent. Pardon me, have mercy on me", beating the chest, and exposing [all], he said andsynacochatiacochati2be:superior
Andresnprop*Andrew*AndresBorrowed from SpanishBorrowed
anecoanekov1prevent, impede, be unableprevenir, impedir, ser incapazHitima caqi Sacramento na orobininoma isotani ma nahitaqe na anecososiromanetela. The devil wants to impede the effect of the holy communionConf, f1 1:1Caqi yniheti inisibamichu naiuricono anecota naquana yquayqua mosota yuche acoleta huratimota chebenimano, nocomicoco Diosima nafarista cumelenima nantela.Lit:[the demon?] was prevented from causing the sinner anger. He cried out and disappeared in great shame. He lost when he[the sinner] truly confessed to God.Conf, f2 1:19inta Diosima nacalubostanima ynena anecoso nihemosico ysonotimate §Lit:...when it will be punished by is repeated and is not used and prevented Conf, f1 1:3Anoco napatabosiro maninoanecota chi haniboheco anoco yaracha matileqe ynenaanecota chihaniboqemobi?Queriendote juntar con alguna persona por que alguno os vido o por otra qualquiera ocasion quedose?Conf, f1 1:1Honohenonianecala.No puedo comer.Arte f13 1:1Niye uquata ebonolehaueti yanacu aneco nolehemosi arecobicho?As tomado alguna yerba para no hazerte preñada?Conf, f1 1:1Confident2be unable3be:impossibleanecaanecaticomp.anekatiadjall-powerful, omnipotentMinecotamano Dios vtina anecati yahama bohono lehauela monachule.Dixistes que el primero era creer en un solo Dios todo poderoso?Minecotamano, mine Dios vtina yaha, anecatilentema bohono lehaue.El primero, creer en un solo Dios todo poderoso.
aneqetianeketiadj1be proudsentirse orgullosohytimano nahyabota anonapiqita orobintequa mine aneqetilenomima nafata chebenimichu naminohamanta orobininole hetiromanta nasotela§ The devil knows and from envy he wants that we not confess [and gain what] he lost from his prideAno aneqetilenomano hachaque ninomasino?What (kind of) thing is pride?caqi ysihana cumeleno natimo, naquosohanayeno naqi ysaysa motelamo motanayenachi quenihabele santissimo sacramento hibuatema mucuqua, neqerota hibuata anoconanimelaboni habe, iniheti ninisibale, numama, aneqetilenchu chanimantele natenima nista nimelabo mota cume abotono yahoso hache masiqe, §If you truly swear by this in the heart, then you [will] become beautiful...[see and kneel before] the most holy sacrament saying "My lord, have mercy on me; I am a sinner. I was proud before heaven. I repent. Pardon me, have mercy on me", beating the chest, and exposing [all], he said andsynacochatiacochatiThis is usually aneqetile, but there is one instance of aneqeti. The adjective appears to be the negative of anaqe 'humble, peaceful'.2be:superiorcomp. ofanaqe-tineganaqe
anetaanetannephew (dead)sobrino (muerto)Ebona, Anetana, l Anoetana. If some nephew on the brother's side dies, she does not call him Ebona rather Anetana l AnoetanaSi se le muere algun sobrino de parte de hermano no le llama, Ebona, sino Anetana, l Anoetana. 1612 Bap var.ano etasp. var.anoeta
angalaangalacardnum-teen (numeral base)Confidentsp. var.angalangalacomp.maruangalafifteenmaruaordnumchequetangalacomp.tʃekʷetaŋalacardnumfourteenAcu heca ininoletahaue ninahiabobotemano los articulos de la fee,monoma cheqetangalama caqi ysinococoma muluacoma nantanimano, mine Dios anocomile, nainima inemi, nanahebuataqe, naquenelebo hacooenltahaue naistaqe nante acu heca ysomile sancta Iglesiama hebunaonecasibotanima inemimate naquenele manda bohotecho?So too do you believe the fourteen Article of Faith which are enclosed in the [Fol. 12v] Creed, and do you believe all that our Holy Mother Church has, believes, and teaches? do you believe it so?Also, these things that we must know to do, the so-called fourteen "articles of faith", these many sayings and great principles, God, our Lord, everything he says in the Creed, and everything our Holy Mother Church teaches, do you believe this? hapuangalacomp.hapʷangalacardnumthirteenyahangalacomp.jahangalasp. var.yangalacardnumelevenyuchangalacomp.jutʃangalasp. var.yuchagalacardnumtwelve
aninanperfume, sweet-smelling substance Acunate santa MARIA etamima osopiacoco, farofaromota nihìnomaqua piasotechunu, onaqueniqe aninaleqe, mirra monoleqe, hachibueno eyo care osococoma piamolahacu ...and the womb of the Virgin always had a very sweet smell, more than amber, and gutta and cassia. y el vientre de la Virgen quedò ∫iempre con vn olor ∫uauißimo, mas que ambar. Y La guta, y Ca∫ia. [Roman] a vestimentis tuis Ps<almo> 18. quod noua testa capit, in veterata sapit. [end Roman] 1627 Cat 2.2The Biblical myrrh is compared to anina, and it is also in a list of luxury items along with gold and pearls.Confident
aninianiniv1absolve, take away the sinProbable2refrain from?Tentativeaninnini
anoanon1personpersonaAnoco nahebuastechiqua huema hibita cumechipaliqe vna oquoye biturumota yribobi?Speaking with some person or taking your hand, did some change in the flesh come to you?Hablando con alguna persona o tomandote la mano vinote alguna alteración de la carne?Conf, f157v-158ConfidentCompoundanochucuNegrooyoquaanother personyoqua2relativeparienteProbable3chickcaia anochietela.The hen produces chicks.ya saca pollos esta gallinaArte, f0 1.1Pareja writes " Este nombre, aunque significa: persona, tambien se toma por qualquiera animal o criatura o pollo ya formado dentro del huevo" [This noun, although it means 'person', is also used for any animal or creature or chick formed inside an egg.] Although this is given by Pareja as a meaning, it is found in only one sentence of the Arte.ProbableAnoaniananoyayicomp.anojajisp. var.ano yayin1doctor2strong|rich person
anoanov1be a particular kind of person?Tentative2be obliged?Tentative3merit, deserve?Tentativesp. var.ANoáno