anochicotaanotʃikotanfriendamigoChi nahiabotahauele yniheti, ininococomaqua hitima, atelestanacutunulesta, quosonolaha, caqi iuine ecanta nachristianolenomabeta Diosima ytimitota anochicotalesinola.You must know by sinning, one is the demon’s slave and servant, but this Baptism makes one a Christian and God is an adopted father and friend.Then, you must know that through sin, man becomes the slave and servant of the Demon, and, through this Baptism, man becomes the friend and child of God.Ano chicotama melabosale manta cume qilabono muenomano hachaquenino masino?And what is charity to the neighbor?And what is called acting with charity and having mercy to friends?comp. ofanoperson
anochifalunmiserable personUsed in the description of foot-washingcomp. ofanopersonchifalutoadano
anochucuanotʃukunNegronegroCumepalino lehabemano, caqi inihimale, qibema, Adam, Eua quenema coesa ano siqita, ano nihita, puqua pucamota ano naioco, Francesico, Inglesico, Turcoco, Moroco anopiraco, anochucuco, eyomate quenequa, ano pochata siqita, caqua abosinta, numa aboma, nacumoso habema, Diosima areconiqe intela. So one must know that we all descend from this first couple -- Spaniards, French, English, Moors, Indians, and blacks, and all kinds of people and good Christians will go to heaven, and the bad will go to Hell, to suffer forever.comp. ofanopersonchucoal black
anocoanokonmaster; lordSeñor, maestroAcu caqi Diosi anocomilena intanimano, yahalahacu, anohaputa nimate motemano Dios Itimi, Dios Qiemi, Dios Espiritu sancto, quene anohapula hacu, mine Diosi nocomi, yanaquenela manda bohotecho.Lit:Also this God, Our Lord, is all in one although there are three people called God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, they are three people but our true Lord God is very much one; do you believe this?Do you also believe that this one, Our Lord God, is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; and that although they are three different people, there is only one true God? Do you believe it so?Assi mesmo crees que este nuestro Señor Dios es Padre, y Hijo, y Espiritu sancto : y que aunque son tres personas distinctas, es vn solo Dios verdadero. Crees lo assi? 1612 Bap 12.1Naquenema, Dios hebuanomaqua nocomieocole bohota mine Diosimaqua ynosinolehabele: naquenema anocomi iucha ynosinoma aneconolehela. Lit:..truly believing in God's word, and working for the Lord God, and it should be impossible to work for two masters1612 Bap 6.1Confident
anoleanolev1behave (in a certain way); be (a certain way)Confident2act badly/mischevouslyProbable3acting as, coming from?Tentative4inhabit?Tentativeanola