anopiraanopiranIndianindioAnopira comeleta niamate nata hibuasi mota viroma nacunata hibuasomata mosobi cho? Have you arranged that someone be married according to the Indian way without giving notice to the parish priest?comp. ofanopersonpiraredano
anoquayaqeanokʷajakenAnoquayaqe (name of an Apalachee god)Confident
Anoquelaanokʷelan1lineagelinajeAnoquela niyahobale. We are from one lineage or cast or generationSomos de vn linaje, o casta, o generacion. 1612 Bap 5.16Confident2servant, vasselvasalloNanemi Anoquelamitonoma ni eiabobila hacaheqeno cumenatimococo Anoquelamitonoma ni eiabotela quenique Anohebasisiro nimanibotaqe §Lit:We have always lived as your servants, but now we very full-heartedly are your servants and we want to talk to you. We have always been servants of Your Majesty but now with even more reason and full-heartedly, we are and so we wish to speak.Siempre hemos sido vasallos de VM pero ahora con mejor raçon y de todo coraçon lo somos y asi queremos hablar.Timucua 1.1Confident3descendant?Probable4soldiersoldadoProbable5ally?anoquelaanoquole
anoyayianojajin1doctordoctor2strong|rich personprincipalsp. var.ano yayicomp. ofanoperson relative respect marker chick?yayibig, strong be a virtue important be worthano
Antechriston*AntichristanticristoBorrowed from SpanishBorrowedAntichristo
antiantin1sister (of a female)hermana (de mujer)En timoqua dizen las mugeres a sus hermana y los hombres a sus hermanos: Anta l. antimaIn Timucua the women call their sisters and the men call their brothers anta or antima.Pareja, First Cat Hiiii4.1.9KinshipConfident2brother (of a male)hermano (de varón)4.1.9KinshipConfidentNat. ʔa·tah n elder sister of a woman
apaluapaluadvoutsideArte, f34yniheti ynino nipita tocota orobininoletemate, cumepalinomate, chocorinocote oyoquacote ofuenomate quenemano hicaleheco, apaluleheco quene nahotota yrima echehamanta vcuchualeheco, hotaleheco quene nahiconochu mosonolehauela, §Lit:Sins coming out of the mouth and in being saved from wickedness and after[?] in the city or outside, watching and wanting war to enterCf19 1.11Probable