enetaquavbe chosenser escogidoProfeta Zacarias isinimano, pesolo santoma, enetaquanocarema, As Zacharias said, it is the bread of the chosenEs el que dixo Zacarias (c. 9.) que es el Pan de los escogidosCatEx, f 2.8Probable
epitasiepitasinunknown nounQueniqe Dios cume mane chileta, Adam vquaca, iniheti ininotiqua hubuasobilahacu iniheti inino ofuenomate hubuasota, higuera epitasima piquitafatema qeta yatetaqe iniheti intemichu yquimileqe naquana Adanima, puramanteti, y sica manteti siriqita hale manteti hitihicama nacalubosoteti nanacubeta, cume yquosota: indò, Adam iniheti original chinibilehanimate. No solo amò Dios à Adam (Genes<is> 2.) antes del pecado, mas despues de auer quebrantado su precepto le amò y le ƒue à buscar para remediarlo, y no luego le deshechò de si, ni diò asco, ni lo dexò perdido (como à Luciƒer) quando le hallò debajo de la higuera, como arriba queda dicho, y les hizo vestidos de pieles, y los consolò, y diò vigor y esperança, 1627 Cat 1.1Appears after the word higuera 'fig tree' in the passage where Adam clothes himself in leaves and skins from shame. In context, perhaps a part of the fig tree or a kind of animal hide.Hapax Legomenon
equeekʷe1vtouchtocar, rozar, palparProbable2vplay (a gambling game)jugar un juego de azarTentative3change?Tentative
equelaekʷela1ndaydiaequelamitilacarema.their dayArte f31 4.2mine hitimano caqueninachu chimasta hauemano yniheti yninomachu[___] yutusubinco vtichaquene taynibinacoco[¿] anona vquale lebinacote equelachaquene caluba ynibinacote ynemi cachiquenechu chimastamoqe § the Demons who have been accusing you will particularly give the greatest voice against you, those demons who led you to sin, declaring in which places, and in which houses, and with which people, and in which days you offended God, Lord of divine Majesty. Lit:The demons will speak to you and [recount?] the sins you committed in which place and near what and on which day [there was?] punishment, all this they will say to you.Conf, 38 1.9ytuhunulehaue cocona equelacote vigilia equelacote ytorino letahaue na equelaco fiestalehaueco Quaresmaleq; § Lit:on days of prayer and vigil days and fasting days and feasts and LentConf, F 1.3Nahapumima fiesta equelema caqueniqi manetiquani.El tercero mandamiento es santificar las fiestas.Conf, f1 1.1Confident2advtodayhoy"caqi hitimano orobinino chiterusutetila mota equele ahatocama chinatututa atichicoloma vquata hitipahama mihabe hebatela §Lit:This demon says that you have not yet made a good confession, and today he will throw you from the bridge and take your soul [and it will come] to hell.Conf, f2 1.5Confidentsp. var.equileequeleeqelaequalaequela tanahomacomp.ekʷelatana homasp. var.equela tanahomanthe day of judgment
equeteekʷeteadjbe closecercaAnoco equete napatabota obachamasta tiparita hue hibita nabopolota manino isticosota halihobicho?Have you embraced a person enthusiastically or taken the hand with evil intent?Haz abrazado alguna persona retozando o tomandole la mano con mal desseo? Conf, f1 1.1Anoco equete napatabota obachamasta tiparita hue nabopolota quososiro manda alihobicho?Have you physically fondled another person or have you embraced or kissed or held hands with evil intent?Conf, f2 1.1Inihimile lehaueleta, eatamale, isi ocoralenomabeta, naanomale equeteleheco, yanacu ano chicotalenomabeta, equete, na anomaleheco. estan concertados para casarse, si sabeis que sean parientes cercanos dentro del segundo grado (que en tercero, y quarto estan dispensados) por via de consanguinidad, o afinidad, o que parentesco espiritual, o esten casados con otros, y sean vivos los consortes aunque esten lejosMovCat f 2.1Hiti nachalasonino cume equetelenoco nahisonibi, masiqe Obispo michunu, yuchinomabetaleqe obosetila. Lit:He said "The temptations of the devil have been close to the heart", [but] the Bishop from shame did not admit it.if he was bothered by some temptation; the Bishop from shame did not want to saysi era molestado de alguna tentacion, el Obispo de verguenza no lo queria dezirMovilla 1635a:f148r-151r 2.2Hiti nachalasonino cume equetelenoco nahisonibi, masiqe Obispo michunu, yuchinomabetaleqe obosetila. Lit:He said "The temptations of the devil have been close to the heart", [but] the Bishop from shame did not admit it.if he was bothered by some temptation; the Bishop from shame did not want to saysi era molestado de alguna tentacion, el Obispo de verguenza no lo queria dezirMovilla 1635a:f148r-151r 2.2Viro yanqualeta anoisticoconeletaquenta hica chiricoleqe eyata, hica equetequa ayamapilemi nahita, hachipile caremate, nahita mosotequa, [f160r] §Lit:A man who was poor lived in a small village, and near the village he had a field and he had animals.In a small town lived a poor married man, and he had a field with some sheep on a hill not far from there.En un pueblo pequeño vivia un pobre hombre casado, y tenia una sabana con algunas obejas en un monte no lejos del lugar. Movilla 1635a:f157-161 1.1Spelled eqete at Arte f149, but in most texts this word appears as equete.Probabledial. var.eqete