Timucua - English



equilesp. var. ofequeladay today
erereererencrown, laurelsThis word appears in a few passages that discuss putting a crown on someone's head, generally with the Timucua word chumosi 'similar to' after it. Thus the word seems to refer to some symbol of honor that is similar to a crown.
eroeronyearañoCaqi San Gregorio nibisonoma, mucuquama neqerota heca Itimile monoma Santa Maria Diosima anohioco mopuenonela monoma quene ituhuta yuqepiqichosotencono inihabe terama; ero chupi aco marua naminohabele minequa namaniqeqere cobesalepuenamate namanimoqe queninima acu Viernes tomamano terana mahahabe ysinoma pacusine, §He who prays before this image of Saint Gregory seven Our Fathers and seven Ave Marias, will earn five thousand years of pardon, granted by the same St Gregory and by his successors, and on the Fridays of the year, [the pardon] is doubled, and on Holy Friday, plenary indulgence and [a pena]El que rezare delante de esta Imagen de san Gregorio siete Padre nuestros con siete Ave Marias, ganan (sic) cinco mill años de perdon, concedidos por el mesmo san Gregorio y por sus subcessores. Y los viernes del año doblado, y el Viernes santo Indulgencia plenaria a culpa y a pena.1612 Cat 1.1hitima istanimano "hochieno niama atichicolo orobotachiqe cache erotuma mosima, maha yne torotela orobininoreqe yniheti yninoma, hantela, §The devil said, "You confess a woman (for) ten years; it is in vain [because] in each confession she omits some sins.Conf, f2 1.2ConfidentAtak ilu 'year'sp. var.hero
esaesanshellfishmariscoArte, f33Confident
EsaiasnIsaiahEsaiasBorrowedsp. var.esayasIsayas
esayassp. var. ofEsaiasIsaiah
Escamaçunpropname of a Timucua province9.7.2Name of a placeConfident
escorpioneeskorpionesp. var. ofescorpioniscorpion
escorpionieskorpioninscorpionescorpionsp. var.escorpione
Escrituran*Scripture*EscrituraBorrowed from SpanishBorrowed
Españasp. var. ofespaniaSpain
espaniaespanianSpainEspañaConfidentsp. var.España
Espogachenpropname of a Timucua town9.7.2Name of a placeConfident
esticosp. var. ofisticodo evil
estrupon*rape of a minorestuproBorrowed from SpanishBorrowed
etaetan1fetusfetoNia etemi naheco etabalunu isticosohero manda abotono leheco yocotimosono leheco mosota ynihauema na aricosta alihobicho?As hecho mal parir a alguna muger preñada con golpe, yerba, o con espanta o de otro modo?Conf, f1 1.1Nia chipacanoleta etamina hinayelaha iniheti inino acoma chinecoco lahacu yunchi nomabetaleqe aruquima iqueninaye qere nabueta nebeleca acola inecalua iquoma nantela niapacanoleta ciyuchita hanimate iquenetiqua nihache.If she were single and it is known that she is pregnant, it is to be said to her that she is not to abort or choke the unborn child as they are accustomed to do. My daughter, although you have fallen into mortal sin, beware that you will fall into an even more serious one if you have brought about a miscarriage. don't commit such a grave sin even if it means shame, bear the sin in God's name. Si fuere soltera y se sabe que esta preñada, por que no aborte o achocandolo como suelen se le dira. Hija aunque yncurriste en peccado mortal, mira que caeras en otro mas grave si mal pares no hagas tan grave peccado aunque passes verguença llevala a Dios.Conf, f1 1.1Caqi etaminahitema iqueninomano iniheti inino acoma nante §Daughter, causing a miscarriage thus to another woman is a grave sin, Conf, f1 1.1In general the idea of being pregnant is expressed in Timucua with a phrase like etami nahi ’her fetus exists’.Confident2sicknessenfermedadYanacu orobinta nibalubalumoqe ninaetayubualeta ninatarisonole hauema mantemano comulgalenomanante. Otro para que despues de curado y sano, me sustentasse; que es el de la sagrada communion.First Ca 10.1Probablecfulepahacomp. ofulepahaete
eta baluvgive birth?parir?
etabitabiv1eatCheca pesolo natabinoma, chicanabale.You (pl.) don't have anything to eat with the bread.Arte f05 6.1It is not clear to me how this verb differs from the usual verb he.Confident2bitecfhedial. var.hentabisp. var.hetabiitabitabitibietabisoder.etabisosp. var.etavisovbe gluttonous?
etabisoetabisovbe gluttonous?sp. var.etavisoder. ofetabiaccompany, eat with-socausetabi
etacoetakov1burn?Tentative2kindlesp. var.etacò
etacòsp. var. ofetaco
etapahaetapahanwombsp. var.etapahacomp ofetafetuspahahouseeta