guacapeguakapenunknown fish or water animalPueloco guacapeco henosoco tumeco, chapoco, sucu sico cuyuqichico, inereqe inema, melo toomamate henta hauema ...Lit:the puelo, the guacape, the henoso, the tume, the chapo, the sucusi, all the little fish and all the shellfish to be eaten1627 Cat animalsProbable
Guacaranprop1name of a Timucua town and river9.7.2Name of a placeConfident2component of a mission and river name9.7.2Name of a placeConfident
Guadalquinincomponent of a town namePossibly this name is confused with the Spanish place name Guadalquivir or other Spanish place names that begin with Guadal... [Ultimately from Arabic, borrowed into Spanish.]9.7.2Name of a place
guanehekʷanehenwolfloboArte, f33The spelling variant quanehe shows that this is probably produced with an initial /kʷ/ var.quanehequanehe