ibiibin1riverrioTico ibima, tota utiqua himetanicala. The canoe [having been] left in the stream, we came by landdexada la canoa en el caño, venimos por tierraArte, f34Confident2seamarcficamaybiYbichuanpropname of a Timucua town9.7.2Name of a placeIbihicacomp.npropname of a Timucua town and province9.7.2Name of a place
ibiibivbe anointed, be greasedThis verb stem is usually followed by the causative -so to give the sense 'cover with oil, annoint', but occasionally used alone with this sense. This verb stem must be related to other roots beginning with ibi which pertain to liquids.Probablecfibisoybi
ibineibinenwateraguaChofama pilenoma ibine ichicosa ecatiquani ilifoqi tinibalusihabele mota mosobi cho?(Lit.) Did you say "The liver and lungs must not be thrown in cold water, [because] if I shoot, [the game] will be delivered from me."Los higados y bofes del, as dicho no los echeys en agua fria a cozer, que no podre flechar otro?Conf, f130; gI, p. 12, Confidentsp. var.iuineibiybineibinaibavbineibiniibineteraibineteranholy wateribinaqecomp.ibinakenwave, mist?, fog?, storm?ibine benditocomp.nholy wateribine tocosonocomp.ibine tokosonosp. var.ybine tocosononwater wheelibinemolacomp.ibinemoladial. var.ubinemolaybinēmolasp. var.ibine molaybine molaybine molanwineibinepilunucomp.ibinepilununthirstmucubinecomp.mukubinedial. var.mucubunesp. var.macubinemucuvinentearMucubinemano Diosima namisino eyema nantela. The tears are the the road to God.Ibiniuticomp ofnpropname of a Timucua province9.7.2Name of a place