Timucua - English
o o 1 yes Confident 2 if? Tentative sp. var. ó ò
-o o v Periphrasis suffixes 1 sfx q Confident
obachami obatʃami v kiss Anoco chiobachamasique nate manibicho? Have you allowed anyone to kiss you? Usually with the benefactive -si to show the object. comp of -mi dat.der
obe obe n dove, pigeon paloma sp. var. obi
obibicano obibikano v unknown The context suggests an animal or insect that emerges from something (e.g. a worm or fly) Tentative
obispo obispo n bishop obispo Probable Obispo
*obo obo stem, shoot (of a plant) oboqi comp of oboki dial. var. oboqe sp. var. oboqy v produce (of plants) osomali comp of osomali sp. var. obomali v 1 twist, link together? 2 torture
obomali osomali sp. var. of osomali twist, link together? comp of *obo mali
obonicocha n meathook? garfio? comp. of *nicocha
oboqe dial. var. of oboqi produce (of plants) comp of *obo
oboqi oboki v produce (of plants) producir dial. var. oboqe sp. var. oboqy comp of *obo stem, shoot (of a plant)
oboqy oboki sp. var. of oboqi produce (of plants) comp of *obo
obuaco obʷako v enter? Tentative
oca oka that these sp. var. of oco pebble? clod?
ocho otʃo behind back dial. var. of hocho be lost
oco oko porridge dial. var. of oquo body, flesh dial. var. of oco
oco oko (root indicating pain, affliction) comp. ocomani suffer? mani v ocomitimo comp. okomitimo v afflict?
oco oko n 1 pebble? clod? Tentative 2 seed 3 grain (of sand) dial. var. oquo body meat penis sp. var. oca that these comp. qisa oco qisa n ocochulo comp. n hail