qibiro anokibiro anongreat deer lineagelinaje de venado grandeEn agua dulce, y provincia de Potano a todos estos linajes es de Caciques, llaman Qibiro ano: linaje de Benado grande.In Agua Dulce and the province of Potano all these lineages are of chiefs, they call them Qibiro ano: lineage of great deer.Pareja (1612:Iii)
qiekien1son (of a man)hijo (de un hombre)4.1.9KinshipConfident2daughter (of a man)hija (de un hombre)4.1.9KinshipProbable3childniñoConfidentquieqiaquiaQiequieeqaQuiecomp.ano qieanon
qilabokilabov1act with charity (with cume)Ano chicotama melabosale manta cume qilabono muenomano hachaquenino masino?And what is charity to the neighbor?Y que es charidad del proximo?1612 Cat 1.1Always used in combination with cume 'heart', but the two parts may be separated from each other in the syntax.Confident2show contrition (with cume)qilabuo
qilicokilikov1ragerabiar, enfurecerseThe object is usually shown with the applicative na- (i.e. rage against')2revengeCtanokkilih hatecomp. of-cosuffix on adjectival predsqilicombat? -co
qipulukipuluadjbent, curved?Ochomate, cosota, qipuluquenta nimabuetaleqe,May their back always be bent down and...Mal. Dorsum eorum semper incurua, Pareja 1627:f094r-094v 2.1A reference to Psalms 68: 24 et dorsum eorum semper incurva 'and their back bend thou down always'Hapax Legomenon
qisakisan1dirttierraArte, f531.2.2.1Soil, dirtConfident2sandarenaArte, f53Confidentqisa ococomp.kisa okongravel or some other sharp object on the ground (e.g. broken shells)qisaletecacomp.kisaletekangem, precious stone
qisa ocokisa okongravel or some other sharp object on the ground (e.g. broken shells)This is described as one of the hard things that hurt Eve's feet after her expulsion from Paradise.comp. ofqisadirt sandocopebble? clod?qisa