ta=ta1prtaway from the speaker Vna oquònimi atichicolonimi nalimo aboma tahibuantela.She is in Heaven, in body and soul.Está en el Cielo en cuerpo y alma.1612 Cat 2.1Yglesiama taqelemimoqe "ynte toomamate eneta Missa ocotosironimante quenela" masiqe, §Lit:They approached a church and he said "I want to hear the Mass and see all"Conf, f0 1.4Many of the uses of ta= might be combined as 'away from the speaker' . The most frequent sense is 'down', but that can't be the whole story, since it sometimes refers to upward things, e.g. living in heaven (tahibuantela) or ascending to heaven. Gatschet calls it 'signe adverbial'Confident2prtreverse actionQuenele hamimancoqua taohache§ If he says yes, then return it to the ownersf178 1.1Cha iniheti inino acoma chinela queniqe orobaso naco acuniyetera uquata tana orobochiqe orobasonaco baluqeqere balela ni masichiqeqere chi chalecosohanano§ If he has bewitched someone, it should be said to him to take the antidote and cure him in order to undo the evil done, and when he is cured, to return and he will be absolved.Conf, f1 1.1Iqilabaco hachibueno chitacatostaque uquata acu taorobono hanibicho?Lit:If a sick person offers you something have you taken it all (?) and refused to return to cure?After someone ill has given you something to be cured, have you not returned until he pays you more?Conf, f1 1.1Inihimale leno ofueno inihimale lenoma anominco bueta tanahiabosinibichica?After you were married have you had intercourse with some kin of your spouse?Conf, f2 1.1The common sense in these examples is returning or going back to someConfident3prtinto water?Arcadiabeta utincono ybine camase puipuileta yntanicono mela nocotana inibitileta yayita ysotanincono amarataca timenco taechesonolenincoqua naquana tacata chiyara mobila motama motamala § It is said that there is a fountain in Arcadia which has such power and quality that when a burned out candle enters it, it burnsDisese que ay una fuente en Arcadia la qual tiene tal virtud y calidad que entrando en ella una hacha muerta, la enciende.Pareja 1613:109-110 1.1Tentative4againProbable
-tatatavParticiplesfx1part2follows -hanima3present4linker before ergsp. var.-tà-totedayribota hebanocomp.iribota hebanonsermon
tacataka1nfirefuegoâ, Pahaye lechu tacala.Oh, how sorry I am that your house has burned. áy, como me pesa que se quemó tu casa(Arte f025)Confident2vburnProbable3vsuffer, struggleUsed several times in the Jesus Maria letter, but otherwise uncommon in this senseTentativeCr/S totka; Al/K tikba; Ct tikbichi 'poke the fire'. {Pam suggests that these contain 'tree' plus a word like 'make' or 'burn'. I'm not sure about that.} Tawasa tútcah (Tawasa looks like it is possibly borrowed from Creek.)amaratacacomp.amaratakancandle, torchACu amaratacama vquasota na hachicare sinolete michu nucaqitaca carotemaqua tolobosotela ininotera santachique na inta inihemosichiqe na inta halifonoma cara nebeleca habuema ninita nantaque naquenema mine IESV CHRISTO, anocomilenis isiso bontemano ininoteraiaqe naquenino leuileque nahele manino Christiano eyochie nesibuo puenta vquata heca itiyaqe What the burning candle means when they put it in the Baptized person’s hand; the candle itself declares it, which is clarity and light of the good life and holy works. So let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven. Matthew 5:16. And the light and the clarity of the Glory are reached with the aforesaid good works.amarataca timecomp.amarataka timenburned out candle/torch
tacatakanspouseThis is the reciprocal term. The usual word is inihiConfidentcfinihi
taca chutaka tʃuncoalcarbonTacachuleheco, qisaleheco, ulipassaleheco queneheta, ibiqitaleheco, hibeleco quenema iparubi cho?Did you eat any coal, dirt, or broken pottery, or fleas or lice?comp oftacafirechucoal blacktaca
-tacutaku1vsfxifProbable2vsfxbut (on first part of comparatives)Probable3neven?
tacu tacutaku takuadvwell-doneArte f118v "...pues juntase este verbo mono con tacubono que es venir justo, y assi dize: tacutacu motela 'bien dice aqui, nacido o pintado biene paraqui, parece se corto o hizo a medida a esto'Confidenttacu
tafitafin1husband's brother; brother-in-law; opposite sex in-laws (reciprocal term)hermano del esposo; cuñado4.1.9KinshipConfident2in-law (related)cuñados4.1.9KinshipConfidentBROTHER (w.s.). Cr łaha 'older same-sex sibling', OS łaha 'older same-sex sibling'; Mk łakf- 'opposite sex sibling' (B); Al in-ła:kfi (L), -łakfi (H), K łakfo:si (K, S); Ct I-nakfi, Cs I-nakfi'. (MJ nakfi.) [Cf. also SISTER (m.s.). Although the Ct/Cs words look formally and semantically similar to MALE, the cognates suggest the Ct/Cs n's have different sources.]cfatafisp. var.tafuiMisprinttasitafimitacomp oftafimitanhusband's brother
tafimitatafimitanhusband's brotherhermano del esposocomp oftafihusband's brother brother-in-lawmitorelated:by:marriagetafi
tafuitafʷisp. var. oftafihusband's brother brother-in-law
taimataimavmiss, lackperde, carecer de, faltarHachaquentana missama taymotama?Why did you miss the mass? | Porque faltan de missa?Arte f 131. Said to be a (dialect?) variant of chebe; Gr. 'fail, lack, vanish'Confidentcfchebesp. var.taimotaymotayma