yabajaban1sorcererhechizeroYabamate ysucumate quenequa iyechi nole habema cantela.Lit:This is what to be asked of sorcerers and doctorsFor doctors, herbalists, and sorcerersPara medicos, herbolarios, y hechizerosPareja 1613:f148 1.1Chiaba velano chiorobasosiba?Are you a sorcerer (hechizero)?Pareja 1613:f149 1.1Confident2ceremony, spell?Probable
yabahebuanojabahebwanonspell, ritual yabahebuano, nahebuasta beleqe, hitimano tacamichu iqùisiqe, Lit: he spoke a spell and called, and the spirit extinguished this fire Pareja 1627:f286v-287r 1.2
yabijabin1bonehuesoHachipile uquestanaye yabima ichuquinetiqua nimaca, uquesinoma ubua-hauetila mota bohota mobi cho? (Conf, f130; g2 p. 501)Lit:Did you say and believe that when animals are killed, the bones must not be thrown away or they would not enter the place of killing?Arte, f342.1.6Bone, jointConfidentCompoundchocoloyabichocoloyabitari2fishhookanzueloArte, f34ConfidentMusk HORN. Cr -yapi, OS yapi; Mk la:p-i (yV); Al il-lapihci (H), lapihci 'spoon' (H), K lapi (K); Ct, Cs lapiS, LCt lapiSi (Bu: lapeshe). (MJ lapiS.) Ct ilap 'self' is probably also cognate.yabyyabinicochacomp.jabinikotʃanfishhook
yabihomojabihomovbe tiredestar fatigadocomp. ofyabibonehomofinish go, end up (in a certain place)yabi
yachebajatʃebaadj1very large, enormoussyniquoThe usual word for large is iquo. Yacheba typically describes paradise. Confident2ancient?Tentativesp. var.yachibaiachebaeyacheba
yahajaha1cardnumoneConfident2vbe a part of, member of3cardnumsomecfyanhadial. var.iahosp. var.yahàyáhayàhayahoiyahaiahayiahayaheahoyahangalacomp.jahangalasp. var.yangalacardnumelevenyahosoder.jahososp. var.iahosoiyahosov1bring together?2do once3merge:with