abayabainunknown water animal (possibly manatee)animal de agua desconocido (quizás manatí)heca, ninapichibota sontela caqi, ibine oyoma, cuyu, inereqeine homama, arecota, vchuco, siacatoco, ytorico chayoco, aquatiro l cunachuaco, chayoco abayco, caracasico, tanitoco, echacaco tococo. Lit:He provides them for us and made each fish in the water, the whale, the siacato, the alligator, the chayo, the aquatiro or cunachua, the chayo, the abay, the corvina, the tanito, the mullet, and the toco.[no corresponding Spanish]Pareja 1627:f26v-27r 1.3Acuco, vtinale, aparota, naqua, mostachiqe, chapico, cuiuco, abayco acunaqua mosta [Fol 15v] hachiqe, moqe hachipileco, utinalamoqe. Lit:the moon is Utina, and therefore they worship it, they say, the idol, the fish, the abay, are all [gods] they believe; they say [there should be?] ceremonies, and they say that an animal is Utina.Pareja 1627a:f013r-15v 1.24This animal appears on a list of creatures that live in the water. The quote that discusses idolatry lists fish and abay separately, suggesting that the abay is not a fish, but another kind of animal. Archaeological considerations suggest manatee as a possibility. animalsConfident
caracasikarakasincorvina (fish sp.)corvinaEchacama tera la hacu caracasima beta terala.Although the mullet is good, the corvina is better.Aunque la liça es buena, mejor es la corbina.Arte f55 1: animalsConfident
chapotʃaponunknown fish or water animalAppears on a list of water creatures in the creation narrative1.6.1.5Water animalsConfident
chayotʃajonunknown fish or water animalanimal de agua desconocidoheca, ninapichibota sontela caqi, ibine oyoma, cuyu, inereqeine homama, arecota, vchuco, siacatoco, ytorico chayoco, aquatiro l cunachuaco, chayoco abayco, caracasico, tanitoco, echacaco tococo. Lit:He provides us with fish in this water, and finished making the whale, the siacato, the alligator, the chayo, the aquatiro or cunachua, the chayo, the abay, the corvina, the tanito, the mullet, and the toco.1627 Cat 1.3This animal appears on a list of creatures that live in the water. animalsConfident
cunachuakunatʃuanAmphiuma or other unknown water animal.The name of this animal possibly contains the roots cuna 'neck' and chua 'hole'. The accompanying text says that aquatiro is a synonym. Tiro is a Spanish word for 'salamander'. animalsProbable
echacaetʃakanmullet (fish sp.)lizaEchaca teru hanima tacu caracasima betaqua terala teru teco tacu caracasima beta terala.Aunque la liça es buena, mejor es la corbina l. con todo eso o empero mejor es la corbina.Arte f55 2: animalsConfident
guacapeguakapenunknown fish or water animalPueloco guacapeco henosoco tumeco, chapoco, sucu sico cuyuqichico, inereqe inema, melo toomamate henta hauema ...Lit:the puelo, the guacape, the henoso, the tume, the chapo, the sucusi, all the little fish and all the shellfish to be eaten1627 Cat animalsProbable
henosohenosonunknown fish or water animalPueloco guacapeco henosoco tumeco, chapoco, sucu sico cuyuqichico, inereqe inema, melo toomamate henta hauema ... Lit:the puelo, the guacape, the henoso, the tume, the chapo, the sucusi, all the little fish and all the shellfish to be eaten1627 Cat animalsProbable
iyoronaijoronaneelAnguilaNia patabotanaye ichalima taecheqiti cuyumate iyoronamate ubahabetila manda bohobicho bohonolebitila.... have you believed? It must not be believed.Having had intercourse with a woman, have you said and believed that if you enter the fish trap, no more fish or eels will enter? animalsdial. var.yyronocomp. ofiyolasnake
puelopuelonunknown fish or water animalAppears on a list of water creatures1.6.1.5Water animalsTentative
siacatosiakatonunknown fish or water animal, possibly manateeanimal de agua desconocidoheca, ninapichibota sontela caqi, ibine oyoma, cuyu, inereqeine homama, arecota, vchuco, siacatoco, ytorico chayoco, aquatiro l cunachuaco, chayoco abayco, caracasico, tanitoco, echacaco tococo. Lit:He provides us with fish in this water, and finished making the whale, the siacato, the alligator, the chayo, the aquatiro or cunachua, the chayo, the abay, the corvina, the tanito, the mullet, and the toco.1627 Cat 1.3This animal appears on a list of creatures that live in the water. animalsProbable
tocotokonunknown fish or water animalheca, ninapichibota sontela caqi, ibine oyoma, cuyu, inereqeine homama, arecota, vchuco, siacatoco, ytorico chayoco, aquatiro l cunachuaco, chayoco abayco, caracasico, tanitoco, echacaco tococo. Lit:He provides us with fish in this water, and finished making the whale, the siacato, the alligator, the chayo, the aquatiro or cunachua, the chayo, the abay, the corvina, the tanito, the mullet, and the toco.1627 Cat 1.3This animal appears on a list of sea creatures. animalsConfident
tumetumenunknown fish or water animalPueloco guacapeco henosoco tumeco, chapoco, sucu sico cuyuqichico, inereqe inema, melo toomamate henta hauema Lit:the puelo, the guacape, the henoso, the tume, the chapo, the sucusi, all the little fish and all the shellfish to be eaten1627 Cat animalsProbable