alihoaliho1do (habitually)hacer habitualmenteAnoco nacume ecata mucucurata alihobicho?Have you desired someone carnally?Conf, f2 1.1Anoco equete napatabota obachamasta tiparita hue nabopolota quososiro manda alihobicho?Have you physically fondled another person or have you embraced or kissed or held hands with evil intent?Conf, f2 1.1Confident2walkcaminar, andar, pasearAcunate caqua vtima nina ocorauota alihonima ero tuma hapu qehapuchiqe naminoqe heca ninapichiuota niniomibuota crucima napatarabota, isticoconta nihinima naquenela bohotecho?Assi mesmo crees, que por nuestro remedio murio en la Cruz, y que resciuio muerte, y Passion por salvar a nosotros pecadores. Crees lo assi?Lit:All of this, that he walked among us for thirty-three years, and he arrived and helped us and aided us and they crucified him and he died in torment, do you believe it is so?First ca 1.1Confident3desire?desearProbable4be:living:insupplabosinisp. var.alyhohalihoalisoalifohaliboalihò
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