abalavlean?inclinar?Abosacocolatiquãta, maha vtimaqua, naqùanolehauemano, itimileno, hùema, tana, atiqùisohabeqe, naqùosonoletahauemano, nante, chitomano, tomo, tomomosota, balico, abalatiqua, norote chatiqua, mosota, iniqe itimilenoma, Sacramẽtoma vquata, ano [208r] nahabososo, puentanima, na anecocohala, mãda, §The head is straight, not leaning to one side or the other, nor falling to any degree forward, but rather raised slighting, because it is difficult for the priest to place the Sacred Sacrament in the mouth otherwise. la cabeza este derecha, sin inclinarla a vn lado ni otro ni cayda a la parte interior, sino vn poco leuantada, para q sin difficultad llegue el Sacerdote a la boca con el santissimo Sacramento, Pareja 1627:f206v-208v 1.3This verb refers to something that a person should not do while taking communion, possibly leaningTentativeabal

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